Uh oh, looks like daveyskunk had ANOTHER all night meltdown, and he chose one of big daddy's threads to do it in - LOL! Midnight tweakin to avoid going to bed with that fat hideous thing he calls a 'wife', no doubt. (Didn't
read a single post from the babbling state case, of course, but man there sure are a lot of 'em!)
Due to several soul-rending prison experiences, he is forced to always seek out a 'daddy' archetype to cling to/worship, or in this case TWO daddies; UB and myself. Abnormal psychology 101.
Remember that time I showed a pic of
soup beans (LOL) and it sent davey and his lil' cuz purple pooey into a frenzy that lasted
days? Gooooood stuff.
I wonder how long it'll be before him and his cop-sucking buddies shut the site down again? He's allowed to exist here - if you can call what he does 'existing' - by the grace of Admin's
....talk about 'biting the had that feeds', tsk tsk tsk....
I don't see any incontrovertible proof from either party.
computer access would have left a trail if there was an actual proposition anytime after initial popo visit, unless it happened over tele. has anyone been able to materialize anything tangible? a lot of heresay don't make it so
Ohhhh, I could show you a JUICY dossier, but doxxing via PM is still doxxing, and I don't know you well enough, Abe. Beyond that, if I knew I could trust you with a chain PM, I'd show you some shit that'd make you toss up your Corn Flakes and reevaluate your notion of 'psychopathic trailer trash'.

One day, maybe...