puttin my half-assed plant into bloom tomorrow. (pics included)


Well-Known Member
any advice? except from "get more lighting, get right lighting or feed it some nutes)

flip the timer to 12/12 and im good to go right? i dont know about that "complete darkness" business, but i guess it will be fine...maybe

anywho, here is the underage plant who is forced into bloom (due to hate against her existense)

too small? well tough luck mrs plant


Well-Known Member
its not that bad bro i think your beating your self up...........looks over watered just grow it for a week or two more and give it some love mabe itll behave better


Well-Known Member
man i dont know. i dont wanna waste more time on it since it so slow in the fu**ing head.
guess growing is not my thing


New Member
well then that isnt the issue idk
did u check to see if it was root bound that a small container u got it in try sliding it out to look at root ball might need just a larger pot


Active Member
along with being root bound, your plant needs less water in the soil and more in the air, try giving it more humidity. i had the same problem and humidity was all i needed


Active Member
^^^ Totally I noticed a nice growth spurt after I put a big bowl of water sitting out in the path of my fan which added some humidity to the room. But yeah hang in there man, they seem small and slow now, give it a couple more weeks and they will start doubling in size. =)


New Member
slide it out of cup and if root are all over the sides like they hit wall of cup then start growing along sides of cup it is root bound
check it out and take a pic when u do and post it


Well-Known Member
thats kinda hard since its a 1,5 gallon pot. am i suppose to yank it by the stem then?
sounds like murder, but hey, im up for that :)


New Member
no tap sides of pot then turn upside down and slide pot off if u have someone that can help u makes it easier