Putting new room together for first grow, Help(with pics)


I have been researching for a while about doing my first grow in a small attic room off the side of one of my bedrooms. It is 8ft long by 7 ft wide and 6 1/2 tall at its point. It is a A frame type room so the walls are slanted as shown in the pics. Obviously needs to be cleaned up and prepped but I have a few questions.

I am only wanting to do this for personal use and only lookin at like 3 to 5 plants most likely. I have been looking at 400 W HPS or maybe a 250 and just wondering if those lights are to big or to small for a space like this and what I want?

I also don't really have a good way to vent in or out of the room but it is winter here now and cold up in that room but will be getting hot in the summer soon so I worry about heat. I am going to put a window air conditioner in my bedroom window hooked onto this room by a door and could open the door to cool the room when the light is on if I have to.

So just wondering if the lights I am looking at will work and if I have to vent or will that room be big enough to stay cool enough with out it or should I maybe look at smaller lights. Any help would be much appreciated or any suggestions that would help me.



Well-Known Member
400watt couldn't effectively cover that much space, but it could cover 4 plants. So I would try and get something like Panda film and use it to section of a portion of the room as the grow area. Try and get a vented hood, run Co2, and hopefully you won't have to run AC.


Well-Known Member
NVM! lol
for 4 plants your 400 shud doo...

are you closing it off all all for the light only in like one corner..?


Active Member
That room has the size for you to "make a living" in it. That's what i would do with all that room. :)

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Why not construct like a grow cabinet for mommas and clones and than plant some clones so that you have rows of plants at differnet stages of development so they fit into the space better and get more intense light as they flower? Just an idea but ventilation is going to be key in that room.


For my first grow I only plan on going for like 5 plants give or take a few in the process. I was kind of thinking that I would have to set up some kind of tent in the room cause of its size and that would help concentrate the light. I was thinking of hanging mylar blankets to create tent.

The venting is what im worried about because I cant cut holes or anythign and I really have no where to vent the air if I send it somewhere. Would a fan blowing on the light and plants be enough you think?

I was going to just go with one light to start with and not do separate areas for vegging and flowering until im more expierenced. I was looking at this 400watt MH and HPS light so I could veg and flower under both. http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Switchable-Ballast-Reflector-Hanger/dp/B003810CVA


I was thinking I was going to have to make a tent of some sort in the room to help the light out. I am only going to do about 5 plants this first time around and I have been looking at a 400 W MH and HPS so I can use it for everything. I dont really have anywhere to vent the air to so I am hoping I could just use some fans blowing on the plants and lights and that would keep it cool enough. Could I just hang Milar blankets from the ceiling to make a tent for the grow?


Any idea on if anyone thinks I will be fine with that sized room and a 400w HPS/MH with out venting air out or will it be to hot?
Not sure, my 70hps keeps it about 25c but iv got air going in and out. im running with a few cfls so its up to about 30.c iv never used a 150hps but i recon it wood get hot when the sun is shining on that roof. If u get a air cooled reflector and vent out of the grow u will be fine with 150hps.


Well-Known Member
That room is definitely big enough. It's a really nice, perfect size for it but it'd definitely get hot in the summer. Id say open the window and have a few fans blowing around in there if you have a HPS, same goes for CFL's but not as many fans needed.


Well-Known Member
is that a window in the back of the room, if it is, find a way to ventilate through that, and as far as lighting, cfl's should do fine for vegging, and a 400watt hps would only be able to cover 2.5-3 square feet of space, so do the math, make some calculations, and good luck!