Pyschedelic Breakfast's 400w Cabinet Grow

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
Excuse the mouthful of a title. :eyesmoke: Started my first grow about two months ago. I'm currently a week and a few days into flower with three plants in a cabinet that I built. The dimensions are 2' deep, 4.5'wide, 6' tall.

Being my first grow I messed up with a couple seeds. A couple of them died in the seedling stage, but three survived.

I'm growing two known strains, and schwag bagseed I had in a bag from months ago. Planted it after losing a couple seeds.

The two strains that I know are ones I purchased from World of Seeds.

Northern Lights x Skunk
and Stoned Immaculate.

Both plants had a rocky start. Especially the Northern Lights. As a seedling it was completely yellow and purple, didn't think it was going to make it. But I transplated it out of the Light Warrior soil I was using into Ocean Forest and the seedlings started coming back to life.

They are 1-2 months old now, and have now been on 12/12 for 1.5 weeks now. The Northern Lights is already starting to explode with pistils, and the Stoned Immaculate is right behind it.

Anyway, that's my story up to now. Lots of stuff omitted, naturally, but that's the jist of it.

Thanks for reading, and here are some pictures of them. Any advice,comments,replies of any sort welcome.

The first three are my Northern Lights. It's the biggest and has many bud sites. I've also got a shot of the "main" cola.

The fourth is a shot of the Stoned Immaculate. Much smaller, started a few weeks after the Northern Lights after the first one died on me.

I actually don't have a picture of the bagseed. The girls are sleeping right now. Was actually hoping for some input on that one. It's the only plant I have that is doing very poor. It's drooping and has reddish orange spots on it. It's getting the same treatment, only difference is no LST. Not that should matter.

Excuse the poor quality, taken with my phone camera until I can find my good one.


Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Hey Dayzt,

Thanks for checking them out. I appreciate the comments.

Not much has changed over the day but I did get some more pictures and one of the schwag plant that's not doing too well.

I flushed it a couple of days ago with RO water a few times over after seeing what I assumed was nute burn. (reddish orange spots, curling leaves) It was also very droopy. Still not seeing much improvement, new growth is curling down and very green. Any ideas?

First pic is northern lights, some of the smaller buds. Second is a shot of both Northern Lights and Stoned Immaculate. Schwag plant is the last one that's not looking as good.

Thanks for reading :eyesmoke:


Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

For anyone who's interested I took a couple pictures of the set up I have. It's a cabinet I built for this purpose. Still needs some paint work on the outside that got dirty during the move. After the grow is finished I'll probably take care of that. Don't want to paint around them, even if it's on the outside.

Another shot is from the inside. Thinking of lowering the carbon filter to take away unnecessary duct work. Need to make it a little nicer inside. Have some tacky looking things in there right now, but it gets the job done. :eyesmoke:



Active Member
This is a nice setup man and your girls look healthy, but what is the redish orange spots your talking about sounds like a problem i had with mine which i come to find out it was a nute lockout from soil being to acidic im still battleing it cause i used mg soil with lots of peat and never added the dolomite lime before i planted in it.. Keep Up the Great Job Man +rep!!

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
This is a nice setup man and your girls look healthy, but what is the redish orange spots your talking about sounds like a problem i had with mine which i come to find out it was a nute lockout from soil being to acidic im still battleing it cause i used mg soil with lots of peat and never added the dolomite lime before i planted in it.. Keep Up the Great Job Man +rep!!
Hey greennewfie,

thanks for checking out my journal. I think you're right about those spots, the one plant that was giving me the problem has also started showing some clawing, I've read that can sometimes be pH related too. I've flushed with pH balanced water and started nutes again. hoping for the best. :eyesmoke:

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, here with some updates

Today hits 3 weeks of 12/12.

I've been experiencing some smell problems recently even after hooking up my carbon filter. Checked all the ducting and I don't really see any possible leaks. It's not a real strong smell, just a musty smell. Anyone have the same problem? I've got an air freshener going and a fan to circulate air in the room the cabinet is in and that seems to cover up the smell, but also gives me a head ache, so I'd like just smell air instead :lol:

As far as the girls go, they seem to be bulking up. My Northern Lights has shown a lot of growth in the past 3 weeks of flowering. I don't have any past plants to compare, but compared to the Stoned Immaculate it's much further along. According to the breeder's descriptions that's normal though.

I'm also thinking I've got a Mg deficiency on my hands. I've also started to get deep red on the petioles. I've read it can be a Phosphorous deficiency but I've been feeding plenty of P. I saw a picture a couple days back showing a Calcium deficiency showing as red petioles. Can't find it now of course.. Anyone have any experience with red petioles? I don't think it's genetics because it's happening on all three, including the unknown schwag plant and I'm also getting brown/yellow tips.

I did get some CalMag and just treated all three with 1 TSP/Gal, hoping to see some improvement.

Just took some pictures, again phone camera pictures. Should be getting a new camera soon

Picture 1: Northern Lights
Picture: 2 Northern Lights red petioles. (Looks like this on all three)
Picture 3: Stoned Immaculate with yellow/brown tips (Looks like this on all three)
Picture 4: Random shot of Canopy from a few days ago

Do pics 2 & 3 look like potential Cal/Mg issues?

Thanks for reading

edit: rearranged pics bongsmilie


Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Hey greennewfie,

I read through your grow a few days ago and saw your results with adding Molasses. Looks real good btw. I was trying to read into using Molasses as a source of Cal/Mg. I may have missed it in your thread if you stated, but do you use anything for Cal/Mg or does the Molasses take care of it for you? Bought some Cal/Mg today, but regretted it wishing I had gone with Molasses. Being my first grow I wanted to make sure I got something known to fix that issue, but I can't see why Molasses wouldn't. Thanks!


Active Member
yeah i dont use anything for cal mag really at the beginning i used ground up Egg shells and Epsom salt when i first seen those spots on my leaf but it was the acid ph causing the problem now all i use is the molasses with my MG tomato fert. 18/18/21which has micro nutes as well but tomorrow when i water i am goin to use my seaweed tea i have brewing, i use molasses more so for feeding the microbes in the soil to help break down the organic matter for more rich soil.. not sure if i gave you this link already for plant problems but check it out the ph problem is just the root rot little past half way down------->

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, another update here.

Been fighting the smell issue, scratching my head why the filter isn't working as well as others claim. I've made sure there's no leaks or anything in the venting. The filter gets rid of almost all the smell, which isn't a huge deal because I'm legal anyways, but the wife hates smelling it. She came home the other day with this absorbing gel from the dollar store. I've seen many people suggest them and I can't thank you enough. Forget specifically, but anyway, even the dollar store ones work wonders. I've also put some drier sheets on the end of the flange on the exhaust, and it's forcing the air into the gel. Kind of tacky, but it works amazingly for the smell.

Got some food in the oven, i'll be back soon with updates on the plants for anyone who's interested. :eyesmoke:


Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
That looks like a cool easy temporary fix!!

Did you figure out the problem with your leaes after??
Hey greennewfie, thanks for posting and also for the link. I've been using that for awhile it's a really good read

I don't really have any twisting going on. A few days ago I gave it a dose of nutes, including some of my veg nutes that had some calcium in it. After that the problems seemed to have gotten worse. Before I just had some issues with the tips dying/yellowing but after those nutes I started getting a bunch of brown spots on my leaves. Mainly around the 'top'.

I was thinking maybe nute burn, but I've never had nute burn before. So i'm not sure if that's what's going on, but from all the research i'm going through it looks like a calcium def. I just watered with some cal/mag. Hoping that takes care of it. The spreading of the dots did stop. Also getting some yellowing on some of the tops, but the bottoms are still green which makes me think it's nitrogen.

Ah, I'm just rambling now. Heres some pics of the girl I'm talking about.

That last pic is a leaf from the bottom of the plant. The top is getting the brown dots


Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Another update on the other known strain I'm growing. Stoned Immaculate

To me it looks like a calcium def again with this one, but it's not as bad as the northern lights.

It stopped growing for awhile, but it seems to be kicking again. I can't tell if the leaves are getting better or worse. I gave it some cal/mag too and i'll give it a few days.

Or do you think this could still be pH? I've made sure to adjust everything and the pH is coming out between 6.5-7.0

Thanks for reading :eyesmoke:



Active Member
have you checked your soil pH?

its almost looking like what happened to me, Acidic soil i found out by testing my run off after watering, water as normal hold off on the nutes and 20 minutes later water again with 1/4 the amount or until you get run off then test it rule that one out if you haven't already!!

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
have you checked your soil pH?

its almost looking like what happened to me, Acidic soil i found out by testing my run off after watering, water as normal hold off on the nutes and 20 minutes later water again with 1/4 the amount or until you get run off then test it rule that one out if you haven't already!!
Hey, just checked the run off pH. Watered with plain RO water and it came off on my indicator around 7. It's hard to tell exactly, I'm using the general hydro drops. But it seems to be leaning towards 6.5 rather than 7.5.

My nutes are really acidic so I thought that'd be it. I have to use a lot of pH up to get it around where it needs to be. Gonna test the run off a little later just to make sure i get consistent results


Well-Known Member
I just stumbled upon your thread and didnt really take time to read post fully, so I dont know what exactly is wrong with the deficiency/nute burn you got going on...but I must say, nice plants! During this stage in flowering, I would not really tinker around with em too much trying to figure out the problem. A good flush, pause on the nutes and then a LIGHT reintroduction to the nutes may be a good idea. Aside from that, do not go too crazy. You gotta remember, they are resilient plants. However, you do not want to do more than you have to bc you may hurt it more than anything. Those plants look amazing and you have done well so far. Do not magnify this problem too much, they are looking awesome! Scribed


Active Member
yeah i agree, stay easy on the nutes i hardly give mine any compared to some people, mostly i just used molasses and MG tomato fert 18/18/21(between 1/4 starting off and worked my way up to full strength) now im useing seaweed tea with molasses, and lime to up my ph and now just using the MG every 2nd or 3rd watering, probably wont use it no more now after my next watering because im getting close to harvest time gonna let it use up whats in the soil and tea!!
They are amazing lookin plants, i have seen peoples a hell of alot worst lookin then yours so just go easy in case it is nute burn they are tough plants they can survive with a deficiency easier then nute overload HigherLearning420 knows what hes talkin about!!

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I definitely agree with ya. I'm gonna hold back and just let it do its thing. I checked on them when I got home today and they seem much more alive. More green and the leaves are perkier. Still got some of the lower leaves dying, but the rest looks much better.

Good to have both of you guys on for the ride bongsmilie