Pythium Prevention


you can try to use a bio filter. Its a filter used in fish tanks it filters the water and keeps ur water clean. There pretty cheap and you can find them at walmart. I dont no much about them but it workd for me. You can get one for 20 to 50 bucks depending on the size you need.


Rebel From The North
The uv cost about 200 but i got this one used at a fish store for 60 bucks used,
Im doing tests with it and so far the res with it on it doesnt have slime. As for
Using it u need a small pump to run water through it slow but a pump runing
All the time will warm up the res so i can only run it alittle.


Active Member
I ended up pulling my plants from their baskets and pulling out some rockwool and infected roots and replanted with some hydroton, which I wasn't using previously(rookie)I was informed that it is easier to clean your roots with less rockwool. They are doing better than expected, but I am losing my fan leaves. I'm in my 3rd week of flower and I'm happy with bud production so far, which hasn't seemed to slow since the transplant.


Active Member
Any suggestions for my OG Kush mother that I have in FF Ocean soil and a little coco that seems to have some root lock or something. The larger Leaves are dieing off, curling up and dark spots. The new growth is fine. I flushed a few days ago, but don't know if it worked. What/ how should I flush.


Active Member
Messed with H202 for few grows after many awesome grows then BANG Pythium. What works for me is Fongarid on mothers 1 week before taking clones. I then use Rhizotonic and get some crazy roots. I also use it through grow.
All water is UV'd and i used to add Flairform Pythoff (basically chlorine), but now use few drops of of Pool stuff which lasts YEARS.

Oh and a chiller, LOADS of flooming and high flow rates 13mm feeds/50mm return to control res.

Also use an iceprobe in my chiller.

I did manage a few grows with H202 but it was a struggle and yields were down.

I also love canna nutes.

I had one clone left over which i just plaed i a bubbler (not in main RDWC) and the roots are brown......plant half the size of rest.