QB light heights through different stages?


Active Member
Does anyone have a good guide on the light heights and dimmer percentage that should be used through seedling, veg and flower with a LED QB?

I found a guide a while ago but lost the link unfortunately. So wondering what you guys do.
Really depends on the BDS you use

What boards are on your light?
Then research heights

I fun mine 85-100% all the time, adjust height if needed or play plant Tetris
If it’s 240w it’s likely 576 on two boards. I have the same, or similar I have Cree reds, and I keep it about 18” for flower and 24”-30” in veg. I leave IR off until day 42.
I run autos at 18/6 schedule.
Hlgs recommended heights work well, it's on the website under specs for each lamp.

If you running co2 you can get much closer.