Qrazy Train from seed


Well-Known Member
Just some random pics for the time being. My back light stopped working half way through the pictures last night. So I just grabbed a few pics.




I ordered my new light set up for the new room this morning. I'm having an electrician come out and make sure everything is kosher and then Ill be putting up the drywall.


Well-Known Member
Ballasts are on their way.

2x 8 inch blockbusters


Also came to the realization today that I used way to much SS at the beginning for how long I grew them out. I was right about guessing how big the plants would get but when I was making up the pots to plant in I was probably thinking I was going to veg them for longer. Just a personal note for myself to consider within the next few weeks for the AOS seeds ill be popping here pretty soon. I didn't want to pop them during this super hectic week Im having so within the next 2 weeks depending on how smooth things go Ill get that started.

and then the current tent will become my veg tent. Im pretty excited for that.


Well-Known Member
Just some notes...

Rubbed the stems today while flowering

1) Definitely grape but something else fruity too

2) Smelled like grape chewable childrens cold medicine... and I mean that in the best way possible I like it

3) lighter smell not quite lemon but more citrus smelling not as striking of a smell as the other 2


Well-Known Member
I dont know the exact science but from what I have read it helps with mag. Subs recipe calls for it, so that's why it is the real reason Im putting it in.


Well-Known Member
So if all things go smoothly I will be at the new place by the end of the week. Now considering its 60 miles away moving them should be a fun day. I don't think they are ready by any means yet so I don't want to chop them. Especially if I can get them into the big tent for 2 more weeks with double the light (actually more cause I havent been able to run at the full 600 because of this huge heat wave we are in. I cant wait to be in the new basement). Ive been waiting to pop those AOS seeds but I will be popping them this week.

The bottom of bottomest leaves are starting to lighten up in color so Im hoping the rest of the plant will follow suit.

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3 (The Leaner) Ill be tying her up.

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Well-Known Member
yeah bro, they are just starting to swell, and your fade is planned perfectly, you have a solid plan....good luck with the move!


Well-Known Member
I moved the plants last night... sadly 5 tops got completely bent (between 3 and 4, 1 was untouched), unable to support them self's so I cut those broken tops and hung them up. I guess ill get a test sample for 2 of the plants a bit early.


Well-Known Member
Number one looks damn near finished, the other two which had tops break still look like they need a week or so. I only got to take a shot or two of the tops. Also started germing my AOS seeds, Im ready to get this perpetual project rocking. Since I will have the room I was thinking about revegging the best one if not all three and taking clones, any thoughts?

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