Quality in the Springs? YUP !!!!


Active Member
12 Strain Crop Coming to A Dispensary Near You In Colorado Springs, Can't Wait for this One, it's gonna be great. Come stop by at the end of the month for some super sweet deliciousness. Plush Berry, Gran Daddy Purp, Cali-O, Pineapple Express, Bruce Banner #3, Elephant, Flo, Qrazy Train, Purpe Urkle, Vanilla Kush and one Mystery haha. Mad scientist approach with a few different nutrient companies and a nice abundance of CO2. Everything on tables with a trellis system for some nice support with an average of 285 Watts per Plant. Everything is looking super sugar coated and there's still 1-3 weeks left in flower. Ready for a heavy flush and to cure out some of the best I've probably grown before. Pictures coming soon :leaf:


Active Member
Located Across from the Black Sheep, 8 Weeks til we've got 25 Strains at all time. Trying to put a home feel touch on a commercial grow by dividing up responsibilities amongst a small group.


Well-Known Member
question: are you limited on plant #s? curious as to the large space gaps on tables

hate to burst the bubble .... but the trellis won't prevent you from having to use bamboo and ties necessarily. our girls generally needed 2 layers of trellis + some still always needed staking (esp the stretchy girls). suggestion: keep all the spare copper wiring pieces from the build, bend 8"-18" pieces with 'hooks' on either end, one end holds a branch, the other is tied to the stake or hung from a trellis square (especially useful for the branches hanging off the side of the tables, where the trellis misses em).

the trade off in time is also seen at harvest - trying to unwind branches or just cutting it all up, either way its time consuming and a pain.


Active Member
Oh I know we are about to add many more and every 3 weeks additional girls in. That was temporary unfortunately. Next set of tables will have two layers, just didn't have time for the first layer cuz it was added late. Yes I know how it goes, I've had a Void plant snap a bamboo stick in half so you can help support, but you've always gotta keep a close eye on things. Thanks for the suggestion though n Happy Growing.


Well-Known Member
that Void would have been a trip to see! I hear ya on timing, can't tell ya how many times I missed adding the trellis and ended up playing the stake it all game ... hated that too.

Happy New Year to you and your crew as well!! I wish you all large harvests of frosty coated goodness ;)


Active Member
Thanks eyecandi, yeah the Void and Qrazy Train are probably the two best plants I've grown. What did you have to do to pass inspection as far as the ballast go and why 50k ?


Well-Known Member
Not sure if you are in CoSprings, but here you have to get a certificate of occupancy for a MMC/OPC license
that requires work to be done by licensed contractors etc
plans drawn up by engineers, blue prints made etc [$$$]
get building permits [$$$]

Basic updates done were:
Wire 240 plug above each hood
mount ballast above each hood
hvac work to exhaust heat and cleanse odors
remove any romex and replace with MC or conduit runs with boxes
GFI on the 110 stuff within 6' of water
get the 110 out of the 3 phase box and install a 110 panel
buy 24 ballasts because you cant use flips
etc etc etc.

Since it's all under building permit, you have to have licensed contractors do the work...and they ain't cheap


Well-Known Member
the Fire Dept in Denver also has a big no-no hard on for plastics like Panda Film (see it covered on one wall and every table). if there is no fire rating on it, they don't want to see it. same with extension cords, unless it has a built in safety breaker (like a small power strip for the computer and small equip).

now that I looked closer I also see one issue many miss and you might not have caught it yet .... that heater above your girls ..... when it turns on during lights off periods, it is casting light shadows everywhere and at random times, so if you see nanners and balls popping .... that is the first source i'd look at resolving.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, i didn't even get to the fire dept inspection. I have a tub full of extension cords leftover and bought out lowes on powerstrips. Retarded waste of effort and money.
same with fixing up the door locks with one motion egress. Probably spent a grand on commercial locks with flip levers instead of knobs.

Cant wait until the final inspection in a couple days, then I can put shit back the way it is supposed to be.

Also forgot to mention that any appliances that plug in have to be UL or ETL listed. I have 10 4x4 T-5 lights that were not listed [God damn Chininians]
Cycle timers, flip boxes, power boxes etc etc... most of that shit is not UL. So if you are planning on being legit you have to keep that in mind when shopping parts.

Maybe we should start a new thread on this... we fucked up this thread :)


Active Member
haha it's OK this shit is a bit more important, what a retarded industry. Yeah I've gone through the whole UL list and finding numbers is not fun. Yeah we've had blue prints drawn up, contractor, electrician blah blah blah in. So fun stuff, hardest industry to be legit in. I got my badge, but guess if you're in the Springs you can't even get one right now? Since we grow, they assume (don't care) that we've got an extra 50,000 sitting in our pocket to re-do an entire building. To be legit, you must build your own building, create products as a mfg that are UL, kiss some city councilman's ass, pay taxes and then maybe you can be approved.