quality pm resistant strain?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,
I'm looking for my next order of seeds and am looking for a powdery mildew resistant strain.I battle this shit in my area to the point that I get it on my lawn!! After years of preventative treatments is there truly a pm resistant strain That is also a great smoke?
I don't grow for profit, just for myself and friends enjoyment.so quantity isnt critical!
Thanks for any help(:

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
I would recommend Chernobyl or Timewreck. I had friends grow Chernobyl in a swamp and not get any pm, mold, or fungus. I've grown Timewreck myself and every plant, from every bean, was super healthy. Both of these strains have Bloodwreck as their mother, a plant known for being resistant to almost anything nature can throw at her, especially pm. Good luck.