Quantum Board Shopping


Well-Known Member
Space is 5x5x6. Currently have 8 plants in there running on some cheap LEDS. Would like to get something more powerful, have looked at HLG and Spiderfarm. What would be a better investment? Should i get two smaller ones and connect them or one big one? Which model is best? Please help.
Either of those fixtures would be fine.
Stephen from HLG mentioned that they are having an upcoming sale, suggested waiting a week or so they are supposed to have a sale coming up.
The sale is already on, if youre located in the us for easier shipping the qb96 is at 60something $$ with heatsink.

But they need a fair bit of clearance and your space is a bit short. Id go for 9 of them atleast
Id go with hlg. At least 2/3 260 ,just check your clearence.your gonna need at least 20 inch from canopy maybe more
Op: if yyoure open to chinese boards the Fotops are really nice, 3x1 foot of board, no heatsink needed for 200w operation which gives you hanging height of about 12 inches.

Also, maybe have a look at 4 foot strips? Samsung and bridgelux have plenty of options
Do you have a link for this light? Thanks
Man only 6' height if you want the best yield you need to get as many led as possible like 6-9 qb over that space at low current to keep the light close but still have plenty of output. I hate suggesting Alibaba but if you can diy that's a good bet for getting a ton of diodes cheaply but you always run the risk of not getting what they promise.
Edit: actually for a 5x5 you for sure need 9 qb 6 won't do it
Man only 6' height if you want the best yield you need to get as many led as possible like 6-9 qb over that space at low current to keep the light close but still have plenty of output. I hate suggesting Alibaba but if you can diy that's a good bet for getting a ton of diodes cheaply but you always run the risk of not getting what they promise.
Edit: actually for a 5x5 you for sure need 9 qb 6 won't do it
This why something like fotops or even the qb132 is ideal for low hanging height application: low diode density with no need for heatsink.

Problem with fotops his how to fit them in, 3 foot long and 1 foot wide, maybe make a square with a boardnor cob in the middle.
This why something like fotops or even the qb132 is ideal for low hanging height application: low diode density with no need for heatsink.

Problem with fotops his how to fit them in, 3 foot long and 1 foot wide, maybe make a square with a boardnor cob in the middle.
The 132 are cool but it would be better to spend the extra money on the 288 and run at low current or go with the Alibaba boards so you can get like 3000-4000 diodes over the 5x5. with low height the more diodes the better. All depends on the goal the average grower can maximize a 3x3 or 2x4 and smoke all year if you need the most out of the space spending more upfront for a better setup helps alot
This why something like fotops or even the qb132 is ideal for low hanging height application: low diode density with no need for heatsink.

Problem with fotops his how to fit them in, 3 foot long and 1 foot wide, maybe make a square with a boardnor cob in the middle.
To further elaborate on my previous post a personal smoke grower could cover a 5x5 with the 132 you wouldn't maximize the space but would get a better variety of strains vs trying to max out a smaller space to cover your needs it all depends on the growers goals. There's a point of diminishing returns but a good general statement is the more you spend on setup the more you yield in the long run. There's a learning curve but more output=more yield if everything is dialed in
I threw in the 132s as it is what i consider the hlg "fotop replacement" 1'x1' and no heatsink needed, for low hanging height.
We use china boards but here on the forum i try to be hlg/ali agnostic not to step on anybodys toes and aswell to respect the fact that this trend was born outa hlg(or even next light).

I agree with you completely, with one caveat: in this case you need both the output and the low hanging height. A super output is wasted somewhat if you have to hang it 2 feet over.

I had a big build idea but i realize now that itts not that good, not sure how you would get a 4x4' light into your tent. You would have to build it innside the tent and thats not very feasible.
But if OP wanna have a look at Fotops in action check out @WeedSexWeightsShakes updates which he put on youtube. And those are yesteryears diode, 561Cs with a bit of CO2.

Unfortunately i cant post pics due to security concerns.