implying democrats arent those things, drank the statist kool aid hard in school huh?he never said he was a republican.
implying democrats arent those things, drank the statist kool aid hard in school huh?he never said he was a republican.
For release 10:00 a.m. (EDT) Friday, April 25, 2014
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In 2013, 9.6 percent of families included an unemployed person, down from 10.5 percent in 2012, the
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Of
the nation's 80.4 million families, 80.0 percent had at
least one employed member in 2013.
that's not true at all.You are incredibly stupid. You lift up one group, barely, at the expense of another.
How's your fucking rent idiot?
and you cite nothing.You cite food prices.
cite it then!Rent prices have skyrocketed since the 80's relative minimum wage.
you done with the temper tantrum, sweetheart?You selectively take one piece of data, claim victory and do your little retarded dance about the Republican party (which I have no affiliation with or love for) or racism or whatever other ad hominem you want to throw out to distract from your incredibly stupid points of contention.
The minimum wage does not fucking matter. Americans as a whole have been continually getting poorer and poorer and that isn't going to change. Well, actually, the very top level Americans are doing great. But that's because everything your government does is for their benefit. Even the great minds at Princeton can see and acknowledge that and they're not exactly a bastion of libertarian thought.
You're aware that they simply drop people from the rolls after they can't find a job for 6 months, right? These people are not longer unemployed! Woopee!
you really should ask for a refund, no offense.
According to this BLS release 80% of American familes have someone working. But don't worry, unemployment is 6%. Even though 20% of American families have no one who is working at all.
Did you know if you use formulas to determine unemployment that aren't politically motivated and stupid and that the government used to use prior to the 80's market crash, that unemployment is over 20%?are you aware that they do a monthly survey, a scientific poll accurate to within a few percentage points, which shows that unemployment, as in those who are actively seeking work, is at the lowest level it has been since before the crash?
seriously, don't take my word for it, go look it up.
they actually call people and ask them if they are employed or looking for work and derive an incredibly accurate number from the data they compile.
did you not learn this while you were "studying economics", which i suspect to be euphemism for some less than savory activities?
I know how the unemployment number is calculated. Do you not find it odd, that 20% of American families have no one working but only 6% of the population is supposedly unemployed? Because those numbers don't really really should ask for a refund, no offense.
if they left you with this sort of gaping misunderstanding about something so simple as how they calculate the unemployment number, then i suspect your school was not accredited, or was accredited in the same way that rend pawl is accredited as an opthamologist.
if unemployment is over 20%, then why do people never tell them that in their monthly survey?Did you know if you use formulas to determine unemployment that aren't politically motivated and stupid and that the government used to use prior to the 80's market crash, that unemployment is over 20%?
Seriously, don't take my word for it. Go look it up.
did you know that retired people exist? disabled people?I know how the unemployment number is calculated. Do you not find it odd, that 20% of American families have no one working but only 6% of the population is supposedly unemployed? Because those numbers don't really mesh.
Oh right, you think they stopped looking because they don't need to work. Why don't they need the work? Savings are not at high levels. Debt levels are high. Government assistance needs are at very high levels with record levels on food stamps (20% of American families it's estimated... which sort of lines up with the 20% of American families having no one employed at all). But those folks just don't need to work anymore after 6 months of looking for a job? Ok.
why do you never cite a single one of your claims and expect us to believe you based on your word, which has been shown to be massively inaccurate if not completely factually challenged?Prices in parts of the United States are severely depressed due to the fact no one has any work. In places where there is work, prices are significantly higher. In Canada, where almost 20% of the country isn't unemployed, prices have significantly outpaced minimum wage. Your chart says almost nothing by the way without more context.
So you think 20% of American house holds consistent of retired folk, disabled or those unable to find jobs? And that if you're retired you need foodstamps most likely?did you know that retired people exist? disabled people?
it's odd, i know. do you never cite a single one of your claims and expect us to believe you based on your word, which has been shown to be massively inaccurate if not completely factually challenged? respondents are never asked specifically if they are unemployed, nor are they given an opportunity to decide their own labor force status. Their status will be determined based on how they respond to a specific set of questions about their recent activities.
Many people in fact, do choose to sit on the gov't dole as opposed to earning their way. You seem to think they're all victims. The education you received is available to everyone willing to attend and apply themselves.A flat tax is regressive, favoring the wealthy while disproportionately impacting the working class.
Coal is dirty. The less of it being burned the better. I would however be in favor of more renewable energy and next generation nuclear power plants.
I'm not in poverty, but I came from it. I got an education so I wouldn't end up there. But any day, anything could happen to change that fact. You seem to think people pick to be poor
Whatever facts that may be there are negated by the fantasys that follow.You really can't see facts in that tiny article? Do I need to break them down for you?
That would not surprise me. That's not what your article stated: "America is leading the world once again and respected internationally".I have plenty of family and friends in Canada. It may come as a surprise to you, but people have a great deal more respect for Obama than they did Bush.
Word. The Chinese press has shown no respect for his leadership, or anything else. Neither has Putin - also in attendance. One hella deal Obama cut w/ the chinese on cutting pollution.Nuh uh the chinese were busting his chops for chewing nicorette lol.
I think biggest differenceBush would have taken credit all the same if he could have done it, so you are just kinda splitting hairs there. He didn't put the noose around hussein's neck but is still credited with killing him.
Bush didnt make a movie about husseinBush would have taken credit all the same if he could have done it, so you are just kinda splitting hairs there. He didn't put the noose around hussein's neck but is still credited with killing him.
Yeah. Got any good news?Last I checked Obama is commander in cheif so there's that
How 'bout the full-timer worker improve himself and get a better paying job??? Good grief, man, is there no thought given to one's responsibility to self-reliance?A living wage is what should be implemented. No full time worker should be forced into poverty and shoved on to the government dole to make ends meet. one wants to be caught with their pants down in a country that's becoming increasingly difficult to do business in and whose fundamental economic problems are incredibly bad. Most jobs created are garbage and the UE numbers are junk anyway as they take people off the rolls after 6 mos to massage the statistics. Government statistics = government lies generally speaking. Actual UE rate is closer to 20%.
There are shanty towns all over the United States now. This wasn't so common not that long ago.
The amount of pain not that far down the road is quite scary to see. Amos is very smart for living in the middle of nowhere and attempting as much self sufficiency as he can IMO. I'm doing the exact same thing.