Quantum Kush 38% THC?


Well-Known Member
There's nothing to be gained by the race baiters and hustlers by protesting just your ordinary hundreds a week black on black shootings. Is there?
RaC3 HuStl3rZ!!!!!!!!!

hey @Amos Otis , do you want me to go over to stormfront, the white supremacy website, and dredge up a million racists spouting the exact same tired old racebaiting rhetoric that you are right now?


Well-Known Member
Never thought I'd see anyone defending the police so vehemently on a weed website. LOL
I find that bizarre as well, and see how people could think Amos is a cop.

The thing is, the same jack boot thugs he adores would have no problem in his illegal state of having him slapped with felony cultivation charges and automatic 2 year felony firearm possessions.

It really is funny yet sad.


Well-Known Member
Besidea, everyone knows you make friends with the prosecutors office, not the nitwit cops. Prosecutors are the ones who bring charges, not the idiots who slap on cuffs.


Well-Known Member
I like to think so.

There's nothing to be gained by the race baiters and hustlers by protesting just your ordinary hundreds a week black on black shootings. Is there?
compare the rhetoric of amos otis to the rhetoric found on the white supremacy website stormfront.

anybody notice any similarities?



Well-Known Member
I'll say.
Seem to be missing part of that quote. Think your friends in the force would let you pass on growing a felony substance 1 with fire arms? Call your local office and inquire. I'm sure they can set the record straight or add on their bottom line for the end of the year with an easy conviction?

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Seem to be missing part of that quote. Think your friends in the force would let you pass on growing a felony substance 1 with fire arms? Call your local office and inquire. I'm sure they can set the record straight or add on their bottom line for the end of the year with an easy conviction?
Yeah......could be risky - thanks, Captain Obvious.

I don't make my business their business. Pretty simple.

I also don't punch cops through their door window. See a pattern of logic?


Well-Known Member

wow, you're not even trying anymore, are you amos?

that image comes directly from a white supremacy site!


in case anyone's computer doesn't translate, that is the site for the "nordic resistance movement", a miltant neo-nazi organization. they believe in overthrowing the government through force and bloodshed and are huge fans of adolf hitler.

it's the company you keep, amos!


Well-Known Member
Yeah......could be risky - thanks, Captain Obvious.

I don't make my business their business. Pretty simple.

I also don't punch cops through their door window. See a pattern of logic?
Well their your buddies, don't you think they could clarify the issue?

I don't kick their windows either, nonetheless I don't make my interactions easier for them and have no problem telling them to fuck off when I can.

Was relevant 20 some years ago, still is today:
N.W.A.-Fuck Tha Police:

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
wow, you're not even trying anymore, are you amos?

that image comes directly from a white supremacy site!
LOL ! Gosh....and I got it by way of google.

But, that kid didn't get murdered, did he? Sorry.....you don't really care about that part...do ya buck? :roll:


Well-Known Member
LOL ! Gosh....and I got it by way of google.
so the images on google that appeal to you are the same images that are posted prominently on the websites of miltant neo-nazis who worship adolf hitler?

kind of odd, wouldn't you agree?

But, that kid didn't get murdered, did he? Sorry.....you don't really care about that part...do ya buck? :roll:
i don't care about most murder, probably 99.99999999999999% of them that happen.

you seem especially fixated on the black on white murders though.

and i never see you ask why obamasharptonholderjackson are not making noise about the murder of ezell ford or tamir rice. why is that? does it not fit your careful narrative, a narrative that is highly prominent on white supremacy websites like stormfront?

maybe you might actually answer these questions this time instead of changing the subject! doubtful though!


Well-Known Member
No need to be Lil tiger. You simply praise the same people who would have a wet dream busting your personal stash, seizing your car, locking down your bank account all for growing a plant and owning legal fire arms. I'm not stupid, I can read legal cases and that exact scenario plays out while my girl has to deal with this shit in appellate court.

mr mustache

Well-Known Member
No need to be Lil tiger. You simply praise the same people who would have a wet dream busting your personal stash, seizing your car, locking down your bank account all for growing a plant and owning legal fire arms. I'm not stupid, I can read legal cases and that exact scenario plays out while my girl has to deal with this shit in appellate court.
Some people ignore reality. It makes them feel safer.

Ignorance is it's own reward. Or something like that...