Looking good I got a tester pack at hempfest of the Quantum Kush. Also picked up Marionberry Kush, Dr. Who, Mickey Kush, and Jesus OG Kush (2packs even thought i asked for 1) I wanted Conspiracy Kush. That was actually strain I wanted the most. I really like the Obama Kush i've been trying to find it locally cause I know a lot of local's here in the PNW are growing it. Expecially in Washington. Thing that sucks the most that i got 2 more packs of Jesus OG Kush is I've already picked up 3 packs. killed 1 1/2 packs on accident let them dry out. And the rest I got a kept 1 female and 1 male. Just wanted 1 pack incase I ever lost it. Whatever I'll get some more money and get a pack unless I can find a Obama Kush clone.
I wish I knew BOG was there with his own tent. I would of picked up a shit load from him. He saw giving super good deal's to from what I heard. I don't know how I didn't see his tent! I already have almost TGA's whole lineup now besides a few of the new ones.
Sub and the Home Grown Natural Wonders guys and others there of the tgacrew, farmerjohn I really wanted to talk to but everyone was so busy this year. Hope to get to chat and smoke with you again sub. First time I met Sub he gave me a fat nug of his querkle and it was IDENTICAL to the querkle I was growing at the time. Also gave my boy a 1+gram nug of Vortex. Even had 2 seeds in the querkle and 1 in the vortex and they all produced females that were killer.
I'm actually in the Weed Need Video though from this years hempfest. When I was leaving I met the guy who donated the guitar for the raffle i noticed he has a tga hat on and we talked alot walking out hes a pretty cool guy. He told me he donated the guitar and he was gonna be on the weed nerd and of course he was! Rock on Weed Nerds! Love ya TGA