
Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Good Morning my fellow stoners: bongsmilie

So some friends of ours and us worked out a deal: They wanted to buy some seeds but due to one of their jobs they thought it too risky to have them shipped to the house. So they're being shipped here.

So they're going to grow some of those babies, carve up some clones, and give them to us as a return-favor. Not a bad deal in our view.

These folks run a tight ship but you hear over and over about "My buddy gave me a clone, I put it right in the room and it got sick, and now all the rest of my girls are sick! Waah!" I won't be doing that. :dunce:

So my ponderance is this: A lot of people quarantine the plant for a while before it goes into their room. But is there some kind of "sanitizer" we could use on this plant, malathion or Liquid Sevin or something, that we could just spray on there and toss her right in? I'm down with the quarantine idea but if there's a way to get them to the head of the class I'd like to know about it.

Cheers all :)

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Aha, we usually do, but the cash is not on our side this go-round. We took them to the Attitude website and they were both mindfucked for a while. The one of them didn't come off the computer for a good 45 minutes.