I have no clue what you just said! LOL! Sounds like university dribble to me - My experiences come from 55 years of life in the real world, not from a university text book. Argue which one is better, but you won't convince me I'm wrong. I know my language was acquired and influenced by living with and interacting with English speaking people. I also lived in Europe for a lot of my childhood / youth and learned to speak German very well. I excelled in high school German for four years. I learned it because I lived there and had German friends, so it was useful. I lived just outside of Montreal as a little kid, but my memories are faint. I'm sure if I had been there as an older kid, I would have picked up the language same as I did German. To me, as a kid I hated learning French and as an adult I never needed to. I'm not sure where that fits into your text book? LOL Cheers!Well... It just happens that I did my graduate studies in linguistics in the UK and the topic of my dissertation was attitudes and motivation in second languages learning. I'll spare you the details (82 question survey, 36 pages of statistics, over 400 participants), but language acquisition is mainly influenced by interest in the target language and its culture. Claims that it's driven by extrinsic motivators, such as financial gain through employment or a promotion, are bullshit.
Learners may think it is about getting a job, but ultimately it's about having a good experience, which is no surprise when you know about pedagogy (something about positive experiences being positive learning experiences).
In short, a 6 year-old in French Immersion can sing you a dozen different songs in French because it's fun, not because she wants a government job when she grows up.
That makes getting prescription the only way to go in Quebec if you still want to feel safe.I think it is pretty brutal for the people who toke in quebec.
Too bad it wasnt the ither way in that they said hey every house can grow 4.
So if you do grow at home.acrew 4 grow a sog. And dont even tell your dog.
Another one bringing up his age when he's been showed wrong.I have no clue what you just said! LOL! Sounds like university dribble to me - My experiences come from 55 years of life in the real world, not from a university text book. Argue which one is better, but you won't convince me I'm wrong. I know my language was acquired and influenced by living with and interacting with English speaking people. I also lived in Europe for a lot of my childhood / youth and learned to speak German very well. I excelled in high school German for four years. I learned it because I lived there and had German friends, so it was useful. I lived just outside of Montreal as a little kid, but my memories are faint. I'm sure if I had been there as an older kid, I would have picked up the language same as I did German. To me, as a kid I hated learning French and as an adult I never needed to. I'm not sure where that fits into your text book? LOL Cheers!
I haven't been shown to be wrong, so there's that. I'm not even sure how you got to be accusing me of being wrong about "unilingual pride" - I'm pretty sure very few on here have heard that term before - it certainly means nothing to me. I commented about my impression of the new Quebec premier and here we are. I also never used my age as an excuse, but rather as an explanation as to why my opinions are every much as valid and probably more accurate than someone quoting from a text book. Strange how you misconstrued that to insult me.Another one bringing up his age when he's been showed wrong.
The only thing you've shown me is what a Dick you must be. If your a representation of Quebec or of any of the others living there......they should fire you. Because arrogant prick doesn't sell well !Another one bringing up his age when he's been showed wrong.
Look, you've proven my point. to try, though.
Don't need to worry about embarrassing yourself in front of strangers. like all the kids do, start with the naughty words you read in the English-French dictionary Do when nobody is looking. Heck, do it even if it's just for a cheap laugh after having smoked. It could become your thing. Yes, you can laugh while learning.
There you go again with age. You being wiser than your own younger self doesn't mean you are inherently wise. According to the norm, you might still be...quirky.I haven't been shown to be wrong, so there's that. I'm not even sure how you got to be accusing me of being wrong about "unilingual pride" - I'm pretty sure very few on here have heard that term before - it certainly means nothing to me. I commented about my impression of the new Quebec premier and here we are. I also never used my age as an excuse, but rather as an explanation as to why my opinions are every much as valid and probably more accurate than someone quoting from a text book. Strange how you misconstrued that to insult me.
Oh, and I have no intention of ever "embarrassing myself by learning 'naughty french words" because I don't foresee me ever wanting or needing to speak french to anyone. I haven't met or heard of any french speaking people on the island I live on, so I'm not sure why you would think it's so important or 'fun' that I need to learn? - I'm just not interested in languages, probably for the same reason you aren't rushing to take courses on water treatment and septic system operations.
I have to constantly upgrade for my job and I have no issues with that, but it is not about fun
You started it, buddy. You're the one throwing around insults. I'm simply trying to have a conversation. If you can't take criticism for your incorrect opinions, then don't share them online.The only thing you've shown me is what a Dick you must be. If your a representation of Quebec or of any of the others living there......they should fire you. Because arrogant prick doesn't sell well !
Your high on yourself.....it shows and it's not a fact of the actual case. Read a big book and figure that code out if your able to.......lol. Unless your nicer in person...you must be friendless. Because you sure don't know how to make any.
Oh I forgot...you go to the gym.....lmao. Was that supposed to impress someone.....lol
The only thing you've shown me is what a Dick you must be. If your a representation of Quebec or of any of the others living there......they should fire you. Because arrogant prick doesn't sell well !
Your high on yourself.....it shows and it's not a fact of the actual case. Read a big book and figure that code out if your able to.......lol. Unless your nicer in person...you must be friendless. Because you sure don't know how to make any.
Oh I forgot...you go to the gym.....lmao. Was that supposed to impress someone.....lol
what part of IF did you miss while reding?Learn to read. I'm clearly not a Quebecer.
If one refers to Quebecers in the third person, is it logical to assume one is? No, and you both need to learn basic English grammar.what part of IF did you miss while reding?
Right, because that's why your feelings are hurt. Has nothing to do with your bubble being burst, eh? Face it, you're a sucker if you use Quebec as a punching bag. Divide and conquer, buddy.Time to put this troll on ignore. We certainly don't need another fucking professor around here.
He's even too stupid to understand a direct hint. All his booook lirnin didt giv him mucch intuition.Time to put this troll on ignore. We certainly don't need another fucking professor around here.
Projecting, eh?He's even too stupid to understand a direct hint. All his booook lirnin didt giv him mucch intuition.
OMG...so much fuckin hot air in your part of canada.Projecting, eh?
PS. You're an open book, actually. Read up on discourse analysis. Yeah, there's more to this world than the limits of your own imagination.
My feelings don't get hurt son, we grow a little thicker skin out here. Nobody was using Quebec as a punching bag - I just expressed my opinion of their political circus and that was enough for you to attack me for not wanting to learn French? Your bizarre rant about language demonstrated that you lack the intellect to actually respond to my statements by disagreeing with what I said, and instead have to feign superiority by quoting what you were told in class. When that didn't work, you started being a grammar teacher - I HATE teachers. I don't have a whole lot of respect for university educated kids who think 4 years of sitting in a classroom replaces decades of work and life experience. Real life does not happen in a classroom and cannot be taught from a book - the older you get, the more evident it becomes.Right, because that's why your feelings are hurt. Has nothing to do with your bubble being burst, eh? Face it, you're a sucker if you use Quebec as a punching bag. Divide and conquer, buddy.
Cognitive dissonance, eh?My feelings don't get hurt son, we grow a little thicker skin out here. Nobody was using Quebec as a punching bag - I just expressed my opinion of their political circus and that was enough for you to attack me for not wanting to learn French? Your bizarre rant about language demonstrated that you lack the intellect to actually respond to my statements by disagreeing with what I said, and instead have to feign superiority by quoting what you were told in class. When that didn't work, you started being a grammar teacher - I HATE teachers. I don't have a whole lot of respect for university educated kids who think 4 years of sitting in a classroom replaces decades of work and life experience. Real life does not happen in a classroom and cannot be taught from a book - the older you get, the more evident it becomes.
I tried having a respectful discussion with you, but apparently you weren't interested having someone disagree with you - a sure sign of the poor social skills that are a common side effect of higher education.
Tell ya what - you keep up with trying to convince Canadians that Quebec is an important economic powerhouse in the country, and the rest of us will keep working to pay the $12 billion dollar welfare payments every year to keep you afloat. That, my friend is fact and no amount of book learnin' is going to change that.
Yes, I returned to Canada after a nearly 20-year absence, and what I witness is shocking. A large pecentage of the Canadian population struggles to understand a simple written text in their first language. Makes you wonder if the educational system is underfunded by design.Salutations,
After all the hate expression using some vague "Québec" target as an excuse in here it may help to refocus the discussion on what actually occured on mass-media in the Province of Québec yesterday, so here's what i could observe without even searching as it all kept splashing on my screen.
1st of all both our national TV and TVA kept falling into frenzie as they hammered on the bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist nail like to announce a war coming, typically exploiting biased juxtapositions which ill-informed audiences could be expected to fail detecting, naturally. For example right after talking about kids dying because of some failed research protocol at the Charles Bruneau center we got "educated" through the testimony of a "victim": doctor Jean-Pierre Chiasson who's son David commited suicide many years ago, allegedly as a result of his "addiction"... Personally i'd suspect this is one of many potential "Fix-my-Kid" cases involving a toxic parent (doubling as a health professional!) prefering to conveniently accuse cannabis instead of considering the real cause. This was even backed up by "expert"/"spe¢iali$t" Patricia Conrod who seemed quite eager to warn us against the dangers of psychosis and dependency.
Within minutes CAQ's whip Donald Martel was proudly displaying in front of a camera with his nose and cheeks turned red, while "celebrating" his victory the triumphant/traditional etheral way... Although i don't recall what exact order i also noted yet another "truth on cannabis" segment instrumentalizing teenagers at Le Grand Chemin "re-hab" center, then another segment discussing employers trying to decide about "preventive" drug-testing/drug-screening; ah, and of course all journalists were heavy pounding on the matter of municipalities adopting the "Hard Line" so we can't SMOKE anywhere - which reminds me there was also a compound attack promoting confusion between addictive nicotine from e-Cigs and vaporizers. Just to make sure.
Briefly put it was like being a jew traveling back in time to a troubled Germany...
Now consider placing your bets relatively to "Québec" being "informed" in good time, e.g. still during the electoral campaign instead of after, while in reality the francophone voters simply rejected Philippe Couillard and his arrogant Liberal government - same thing for Jean-François Lisée who couldn't accept that he needed to stand down or see his party practically anihilated (which is exactly what happened, no surprize there neither).
In other words "Québec" chose François Legault out of other immediate options and it may be equally relevant to keep in mind that ~53 % of our population hardly understands what they can manage to read. Imagine in both official languages...
Good day, have fun!!![]()
Says the guy who throws insults hoping the conversation devolves to a level that's more up to his liking and abilities.OMG...so much fuckin hot air in your part of canada.
Hmmm..still haven't taken the hint huh.
Well it's just like this see.
You come off as an egotistical self indulgent know-it-all braggart douche. I'm sorry if the shoe is your perfect size. Maybe try the other foot or put the over sized one in your yap so as to stop the flow of verbal diarrhea. I dunno. I'm not a doctor.....you may need a proctologist......they work on assholes. Once again your a perfect fit. You give cannabis a bad name ya know? Being all associated and all like.
You could try acting like it. You're the one who took this from me voicing my view about a anti-cannabis government to your self-proclaimed superiority in language. Most adults do not feel the need to brag about their education or knowledge of a subject that no one else cares about. Here's a life tip - most of us don't give a flying fuck about the intricacies of language, probably because we do not make our living with such unimportant nonsense. You have a university education that serves absolutely no purpose than to continue to pass useless information off to others.Besides, we're about the same age, buddy.