quebec gold wiltin, freeze and 39 fine, pics


Active Member
same room, same soil, same lighting, water, ferts, everything except strain, and i have a couple QG that are fine, no wilting,

i bought these plants and the clones i cut off them before they went into flowering are fine an not wilting,

this one stumps me, heres pics.

also my day temps are around 80 and night temp between 50-60. i know its cold but i dont have a heater in my room yet, coming soon. they are not over ferted and a salt build up is unlikely i flushed past 2 waterings.

they are 8 days into flowering,

in the pics of my tables the freeze are the taller perky plants and the QG are smaller topped wilted plants,

please help


Active Member
hey there, my guess is your daytime temp is a bit hi..try 75 daytime/60 night...also you might be giving them too much water..they tend to droop when you do that..try too keep a 15 degree difference between day/night...i would'nt go higher than 75 daytime...i dunno how u "flushed" them..some people go 3 times the amount of soil...myself i just give them a usual watering with strait water 2-3 weeks b4 harvest...or if you think you have a chemical issue like over ferting ..flush with the coolest water you can get away with..i say this because the "cold water pipe ' has less copper and iron and minerals...keep in mind some of the strains your growing were "born for colder climates.."good luck with your gro i would love to get some quebec gold seeds ..hit me up on where too get some (