Questing for more...


Active Member
Greetings from the "Sunshine State" (or one of them anyway).

I belong to a couple other MJ forums but always look for new people to talk with regarding my passion for both cannabis usage and gardening. MJ growing level is a little past newb and my thumbs are quite green in other areas of Botany.

Main goal for joining this site over others I recently looked at is to become apart of a community that is large enough to represent more than just a couple areas of interest.

I will be moving to a MMJ state in March (Colorado or Oregon are, respectively, choices one and two) and will be spending most of my initial time on here getting to know the SEARCH feature, but will chime in with posts regarding either more updated topics or just some general BSing with everyone.

Looking forward to meeting some of you via chats and posts.


Active Member
Nice too meet you man. Oregon is beautiful, I lived their for a while. In some places there is a really well devolped psychedelic scene.


Active Member
Zomb- Thanks for the word. Yeah, I don't want to irresponsibly admit to being a fan of the Psyc scene...but it is something I hope to find around the Eugene area (but would imagine it's quite possible since there is a University there).

Chic- Thanks for the hospitality. I am enjoying my stay so far. hehe I see you're a local here, so maybe you can tell me how long it takes to get approved for private messaging via the forum.


Well-Known Member
Welcome! I'll be in Portland by 2010! Strawberry Fields huh? Little Itty Bitty Plant Shitty Might i ask?


Active Member
Strawberry fields are very abundant in Plant City (my reference though is to the song), but I like to get real high...I'm talking Endeavor kinda high. Space Coast of Florida, or as others may call it Hurricane Alley...and yes, I still consider Gainesville home too - GO GATORS! C/O '01

What's taking you to Portland 007?


Well-Known Member
...Family, grandma isnt doing well, want to be there for her. My parents are out there, and my mom needs a new supplier. "MMJ"
Tired of FL, Want to try something new. If my kennel is not successful by end of next year im out.

GO Gators! 56-6 embarrassing, poor Steve. now he no's what it felt like to be on the other side of the field. Garcia is my boy! grew up with his younger bro. to bad he choked SAT.