question ablout suspending my boy for later breeding


Active Member
So to some of you this may be a dumb question but i have little knowledge of boy's other then cutting them down. So my question is i have a great f1 strain but i have one boy of the only plant that grew from that batch. was starting mommy's and oops a daddy showed up so what i am wondering is, if i take said boy put him in my veg room with mommy's will his balls drop or will it be like mom and revert just the same have a great idea for a breeding project that involves this guy but not till later. thanks guys i appreciate the help


Well-Known Member
I'd take a few cuttings of him to make sure you get one that takes, then just keep one in your veg area. Be sure to mark him so you don't get him mixed up with a girl and flower him.


Active Member
thanks satch for the info +++rep. Ya know this site kinda sucks 73 people have looked at this post and only one person had the balls or know how to respond what kind of site is this? have to say that this will prob. be one of my last posts.