Question About Anal Sex


If she doesn't like anal she isn't gonna like anal, and if you make her do it it'll just make her resentful and you won't be stickin her anywhere anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
If she doesnt want to then dont make her do it. How about she gets a dildo and rams it up your ass first then see how you feel. Asshole!!

actually, i heard this is a good way to go about it. Tell her you'll let her fuck you with a strap on, if she agrees to anal aswell.


Well-Known Member
i dont know whats worse, stickin my dick up there, or my finger. probably finger....
Yeah, I use my hands to eat sometimes!!! It's not like I eat off my cock...chicks do it for the whole "baby airplane" thing, then poke her in the eye!!!



Well-Known Member
actually, i heard this is a good way to go about it. Tell her you'll let her fuck you with a strap on, if she agrees to anal aswell.
yeah, that sounds like a great idea,

"hey baby, try on this strap-on penis, and ram it in my butt"...

she'll be running for the horizon, almost any chick would...

the girl, and the dude for that matter, sound like real prudes... strap-ons might be a little over their league.

Doobie Doober

Active Member
Yeah, I use my hands to eat sometimes!!! It's not like I eat off my cock...chicks do it for the whole "baby airplane" thing, then poke her in the eye!!!

LMAO!! "Open up wide or the big bad monster will get you". Some of us use more than our hands to eat...........
bro go down on her and while you are on clit patrol get a pocket rocket vibe on low and play with the tant and ass in about ten to fifteen min. and it will be all about the lube.

Dr Lg

Active Member
My girl swore she would never do it.. but we did it. You have to convince her while your already having sex and just sweet talk her into it. She really liked it until I took it out and she started crying and walking like a crab.

Lol is that normal.


Anal sex is horrible and gross... I had to try it with 4 different women before giving it up indefinitely. It doesn't feel all that different from vaginal sex unless you are hooking up with girls that have cooters so blown out that there's an echo in there. Know how when you have regular sex it makes the room smell like sex? Well when you have anal sex, a lot of the times it makes the room smell like anal sex, and well thats just not fun for anyone. And last but definitely not least getting shit on your dick is almost inevitable, regardless of how clean your partner is. Especially if she gets off, and all those muscles are contracting and releasing, you better count on shit on your dick. I am a lazy stoner at times, and I don't want to have to shower and scrub my junk after every sexual encounter, especially at night. Since I don't date girls with stinky baby gutters, it's not usually a problem for me. Oh yeah and lets not forget, it's very painful for the girl until she gets used to it. Who wants to make their gf cry? So unless you can park a mack truck in your gf's vag steer clear of anal sex.... It's not all that is cracked up to be.

Edit: Dr Lg yeah that's pretty normal for a chick's first time. I am surprised she didn't cry when you first put it in, that's when they usually cry. As long as you do it with some semi-regularity it won't be as bad next time.


Active Member
haha alright i just tried this shit out. i asked my girl if i could put it in her ass and she said ne. but i asked her very nicely to shut the hell up, and bite my neck, wile i shoved it in. she bit me as hard as it hurt her. which made me cum faster haha! this shit works!!! just tell her to bite u as hard as it hurts her

Penni Walli

do chicks really get off having a dick up their ass ? is it a mental thing or is there actually a good sensation spot in your rectum ? cause i know that shit would hurt like hell to us males.


New Member
is there a such thing as a girls asshole being to tight i tried having anal with my girl and i could only fit my finger in there without it hurting


Well-Known Member
yeah, that sounds like a great idea,

"hey baby, try on this strap-on penis, and ram it in my butt"...

she'll be running for the horizon, almost any chick would...

the girl, and the dude for that matter, sound like real prudes... strap-ons might be a little over their league.
you'd be surprised. most girls like the sense of being in control and doing the fucking. the only one's that run for the hills are the closet lesbians.


all i know is that if she agrees, then lube, and keeping her relaxed is ur friend... ive only tried once, she had done it before... but it was probably the fact that we had no lube, and she probs wasnt relaxed enough, so i couldnt get in at all :-(