Question about Blue Dream genetics

why don't you get a book on botany and show me the word strain dumbass. I actually have read books on breeding and botany maybe if you did some reading you wouldn't be a dumb fuck. better yet find me a hybrid seed of any other plant thats called a strain sure they got names but their called varieties not strains buddy.

You want to start talking shit and calling names you cock sucking piece of shit!
Why don't you just look it up, or your stupid ass can't figure out how to use a dictionary or google. Better yet go right to wikipedia. Your so fucking stupid you would reply back to me twice with out even doing your self the favor of not checking to make sure you were just being a total fucking moron..... WOW! You are as stupid as you appear....

** if you need more get it your self dipshit
Not trying to get involved, but when trying to make or refute a scientifically-based argument, please avoid wikipedia.
You want to start talking shit and calling names you cock sucking piece of shit!
Why don't you just look it up, or your stupid ass can't figure out how to use a dictionary or google. Better yet go right to wikipedia. Your so fucking stupid you would reply back to me twice with out even doing your self the favor of not checking to make sure you were just being a total fucking moron..... WOW! You are as stupid as you appear....

** if you need more get it your self dipshit

dipshit lol. you are stupid now what was the first sentence about plants on that wikipidea link? "The term has no official ranking status in botany" how about your dictionary link its for the word breed "lineage; stock; strain: She comes from a fine breed of people" wtf really I think if any thing you proved me and PJ right. but if you wan't I can always quote chimera who wrote the breeding section of jorge's book who said himself strain is not the proper term. chimera " Strain - Strain is not a scientifically accepted botanical term, although in the cannabis industry many use the term when discussing seedlots for purchase, for lack of more accurate term. strain is a term incorrectly applied to selections of cultivars or varieties." are you telling me chimera is wrong about this? you should have just listened to PJ now you look like a fool.
your not gonna prove me, PJ and chimera wrong are you?
come on colocowboy admit your wrong I would. chimera says it clear as day that I'm right. you didn't find a strain of any other plant then cannabis did you? but no you won't find a variety of any seed other then cannabis called a strain. you also won't find the term strain used in botany as chimera clearly states. I know I see who the stupid one is like I said this is botany not biology stay in school dumb ass.
come on colocowboy admit your wrong I would. chimera says it clear as day that I'm right. you didn't find a strain of any other plant then cannabis did you? but no you won't find a variety of any seed other then cannabis called a strain. you also won't find the term strain used in botany as chimera clearly states. I know I see who the stupid one is like I said this is botany not biology stay in school dumb ass.

Dude your ignorant as hell, you provided me nothing therefore I owe you nothing. You claimed that the word is made up, I said it has a loose association but is certainly not made up. You have proved nothing except your ignorance, asking for me to admit that the facts aren't the facts is apropos in this discussion. Chimera is not speaking for you nor is he the foremost authority on botany. Just because your so persistent to prove what total and complete ass hole you are, here is a quote from the Marijuana Botany book you supposedly read by Robert Clark.

"If cross-pollination of two plants with a shared genetic trait (or self-pollination of a hermaphrodite) results in off spring that all exhibit the same trait, and if all subsequent (inbred) generations also exhibit it, then we say that the strain (i.e., the line of offspring derived from common ancestors) is true-breeding, or breeds true, for that trait. A strain may breed true for one or more traits while varying in other characteristics. For example, the traits of sweet aroma and early maturation may breed true, while off spring vary in size and shape. For a strain to breed true for some trait, both of the gametes forming the offspring must have an identical complement of the genes that influence the expression of that trait. For example, in a strain that breeds true for webbed leaves, any gamete from any parent in that population will contain the gene for webbed leaves, which we will signify with the letter w. Since each gamete carries one-half (in) of the genetic complement of the offspring, it follows that upon fertilization both "leaf shape" genes of the (2n) offspring will be w. That is, the offspring, like both parents, are ww. In turn, the offspring also breed true for webbed leaves because they have only w genes to pass on in their gametes."

Now I am not saying your a DICK HEAD, no wait yea I am!
come on colocowboy admit your wrong I would. chimera says it clear as day that I'm right. you didn't find a strain of any other plant then cannabis did you? but no you won't find a variety of any seed other then cannabis called a strain. you also won't find the term strain used in botany as chimera clearly states. I know I see who the stupid one is like I said this is botany not biology stay in school dumb ass.

Dude your ignorant as hell, you provided me nothing therefore I owe you nothing. You claimed that the word is made up, I said it has a loose association but is certainly not made up. You have proved nothing except your ignorance, asking for me to admit that the facts aren't the facts is apropos in this discussion. Chimera is not speaking for you nor is he the foremost authority on botany. Just because your so persistent to prove what total and complete ass hole you are, here is a quote from the Marijuana Botany book you supposedly read by Robert Clark.

"If cross-pollination of two plants with a shared genetic trait (or self-pollination of a hermaphrodite) results in off spring that all exhibit the same trait, and if all subsequent (inbred) generations also exhibit it, then we say that the strain (i.e., the line of offspring derived from common ancestors) is true-breeding, or breeds true, for that trait. A strain may breed true for one or more traits while varying in other characteristics. For example, the traits of sweet aroma and early maturation may breed true, while off spring vary in size and shape. For a strain to breed true for some trait, both of the gametes forming the offspring must have an identical complement of the genes that influence the expression of that trait. For example, in a strain that breeds true for webbed leaves, any gamete from any parent in that population will contain the gene for webbed leaves, which we will signify with the letter w. Since each gamete carries one-half (in) of the genetic complement of the offspring, it follows that upon fertilization both "leaf shape" genes of the (2n) offspring will be w. That is, the offspring, like both parents, are ww. In turn, the offspring also breed true for webbed leaves because they have only w genes to pass on in their gametes."

**Oops, since your changing the game and wanting me to double up your slam dunk for your proof... your a lazy fuck too btw.
here is your quote
[h=2]How to Select a New Strain from an Existing Variety[/h] According to Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties
, the easiest way to create new plant varieties is by simple 'selection.' Selection means allowing only plants that show desirable traits to produce seeds. If any plants don't show the traits you are looking for, you prevent them from pollinating the plants you have selected. It's possible to see changes in your variety the very next season!
Good candidates for selection might show better-than-average productivity under your gardening conditions, or high drought tolerance, or particularly good taste for instance. After a few seasons of saving seeds from only plants with the desired traits, a new strain can be created that is markedly different from the original variety.
Be careful not to go overboard when deciding which plants will be kept from reproducing, however—a healthy degree of genetic variability is essential to the vigor of any breeding population. If you become too selective and reduce the total number of parent plants to too-low a number, your variety will soon weaken from loss of genetic variability.
A good idea for maintaining some genetic diversity when selecting new varieties is to plant some seeds of the original variety in with your newly-selected seeds each season—especially after a season or two of aggressively developing the new traits. This will slow the process of creating your new variety over the short term, but will ensure that your seeds maintain their vigor over the long term because of having a sufficiently broad range of genetic characteristics.
An interesting example of ensuring continued vigor in a new variety by occasionally reintroducing some of its original ancestral genetic variability is the traditional Mexican practice of allowing an occasional teosinte plant (corn's wild ancestor) to grow among the corn plants in their fields. The campesinos know that the wild teosinte will add genetic variability, adaptability and vigor to their domesticated seed stocks."
Just Vegetables mister ignoramus!

Now I am not saying your a DICK HEAD, no wait yea I am!
just cause some one calls a variety a strain don't mean its the proper term. the word strain is used once in the title out of context in the veggie breeding page. How to Select a New Strain from an Existing Variety According to Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties
as you can see the book they refrence has it right do you see the word strain anywhere else on that page? as you can see they are all refered to as varieties.

and sure marijuana botany calls it a strain but its not right its only cannabis growers who call varieties strains. now I did not say the word was made up but the word is not used in botany why would chimera lie he whent to college for biotechnology and plant science are you saying hes pulling it out his ass. vegtable varieties are not called strains just like marijuana varieties are not strains.
thank you for not proofing yourself right yet again keep trying.
I think we need to rewind a bit here, and look back to where this debate started:

You all need to quit throwing the word "strain" around so liberally. An f1 is NOT a "strain" it is a phenotype and not a fully expressed genotype..... geez so much misinformation....

"The genotype–phenotype distinction is drawn in genetics. "Genotype" is an organism's full hereditary information, even if not expressed. "Phenotype" is an organism's actual observed properties, such as morphology, development, or behavior. This distinction is fundamental in the study of inheritance of traits and their evolution."

The idea of a strain implies some form of selective pressure applied as an inbreeding technique to establish traits that are "TRUE BREEDING" e.g. in stable seed form.

I think the issue here is that you are trying to put the term "strain" in a clearly defined box, based upon your own interpretation of what the term means, but not upon any botanical definition.

Sure, go ahead and use the slang term "strain" instead of the correct term "variety". I really could care less. But when you start trying to define slang terms and then try to come off as some highly intelligent ass, it just doesn't really sit well. It's pompous and arrogant, pure and simple, regardless of how educated you may believe that you are.
You want to start talking shit and calling names you cock sucking piece of shit!
Why don't you just look it up, or your stupid ass can't figure out how to use a dictionary or google. Better yet go right to wikipedia. Your so fucking stupid you would reply back to me twice with out even doing your self the favor of not checking to make sure you were just being a total fucking moron..... WOW! You are as stupid as you appear....

** if you need more get it your self dipshit

Seriously dude, Wikipedia is your point of reference? I could change that whole page in a few minutes.
Seriously dude, Wikipedia is your point of reference? I could change that whole page in a few minutes.

Whatever, your as ignorant if you cant look at multiple points of reference as a basis for existence and relevance. The funny thing is that you both are using this as a paper point to discredit me for calling you on your bullshit. It is different when you do this to someone that has more experience and intelligence than you. You guys always go around bullying thought on people here, your wrong as usual and I will hold your head to the floor for it. You can't talk your self in circles and expect a sharper intellect to fold. Negating even the wiki article, which isn't wrong, but even negating that your still left with three other points of reference. So excluding that one doesn't prove your point, but that is because your ignorant.... simple folk....

I and the rest of the world will continue on, I really don't care to sway you two, it's more important that your ignorance here be laced with a thread of truth. I'm thinking that anyone with a bit of sense will see the result of your incompetent rebut.
Whatever, your as ignorant if you cant look at multiple points of reference as a basis for existence and relevance. The funny thing is that you both are using this as a paper point to discredit me for calling you on your bullshit. It is different when you do this to someone that has more experience and intelligence than you. You guys always go around bullying thought on people here, your wrong as usual and I will hold your head to the floor for it. You can't talk your self in circles and expect a sharper intellect to fold. Negating even the wiki article, which isn't wrong, but even negating that your still left with three other points of reference. So excluding that one doesn't prove your point, but that is because your ignorant.... simple folk....

I and the rest of the world will continue on, I really don't care to sway you two, it's more important that your ignorance here be laced with a thread of truth. I'm thinking that anyone with a bit of sense will see the result of your incompetent rebut.

Unless you have a degree in botany, kindly shut the fuck up. I'm far from ignorant.
this thread is about blue dream fuckers. take your pissing match to pm
Real Blue Dream is a clone only strain. It's Santa Cruz Haze x DJ Short BB. Any BD from seed is only an attempt at a representation of the clone only version.

Thread closed.