Question about cannabis photoperiod

Ok so I have heard that even the smallest light leak during your dark period can mess up flowering. How is this possible when cannabis grown outdoors is naturally exposed to light during the night from the moon and such. Anyone has an answer for me, I'd appreciate it.

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
It's magic :D

No idea. I've seen this conversation over and over and I'm convinced that "some" light isn't going to mess with them too bad
Yeah, I thought the light leaks thing might have been exaggerated. Or maybe the light color from the moon makes the difference.

But magic here is clearly the most probable solution. Thanks for the reply.


Well-Known Member
IMO its inconsistent dark disruptions that possibly cause the most issues.

If you had a very small consistent light leak during dark hours then everything should still be fine.

I find that the biggest contributors to Hermies etc are
Over feeding
High temps

Good point jondam it definitely could have to do with the consistency of the light leaks considering the moon is out every night. My grow might be exposed to a tiny bit of light during the first 4 hours or so of my dark period due to light from a window, but this cleared up my worries. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I think it's been somewhat exaggerated, but my guess is it's really hard to find a guideline besides total darkness. The intensity of the light, the color of it, etc, will vary so much.

That said, this grow I'm not being quite as stringent about "total" blackness. I want more airflow in my tent at night to keep humidity down, so the bottom inflow port is open. That said, it faces a wall, so it's semi-dark. And once I go to bed, then it's almost total darkness.

I just flipped -- if I have any trouble getting the plants to sex or if bud growth is slow, then I'll go back to total blackness and drag the dehumidifier out of the attic.


Well-Known Member
I dont really have any basis for saying this, but imo it probably also has to do with how intense the light from the sun is compared to moonlight/stars. Kinda funny this had crossed my mind the other day. But its mostly magic haha.
Lol i have thought about it ! And since I have done indoor closet grows I can tell you that some light leaks won't fuck your babies, mine haven't hermine or such, I've always pop ferm beans though! Only one baggie that turn out to be a 4 cola lady :p