Question about caregiver status.


I will be moving to the Niles area in the next year or so from a town in Indiana about 40 miles from there in order to obtain safe access to medical marijuana. I suffer chronic migraine and service connected joint problems from my time in the Army. I am a bit confused about how to get started and obtain caregiver status once I arrive.

ok so, the last time I checked into this ( before the new changes that were made recently and under the old pilot program ) I would need a relationship with a Dr for 2 years and medical records pertaining to these condidtions.

Recently however, I contacted Ann Arbor Heath Collective ( couldn’t find one closer to Niles ) and was told I no longer needed all that and that they have a Dr that will certify me for a fee and get my application paperwork squared away for me to send to the state with the $100.00 fee.

Is that the case or do I still need to have a pile of medical records?

question 2 is this. is there like a checkbox somewhere on the application where i would indicate i wish to also be a caregiver? AND, in regards to Overages, currently the law does not define the amount of time allowed during a harvest cycle ( cut,dry, cure ) in which one has to get rid of their overages, Is there a set time limit in which the state considers the medicine to be in a usable state after you start the process? Seems like a bit of a trap to grow say hypetheticly 72 plants or even 24 plants and not have any idea how long one has to dry, and properly cure the medicine before the state would consider you to be out of compliance.

And Please, before anyone says, "if your gonna be in this for the money your doing it for the wrong reason" SAVE IT, I Enjoy growing, I intend to do it because I am good at growing and there are those with no experiance or have no ability due to not having the space , their age or due to their condition. I also plan to have my medicine lab tested probably through Ann Arbor Health Collective and offer my patents a premium service and low cost meds ( certainly lower than some of the greedy people i have seen ) and other incentive i wont mention as not to give all my ideas away.


also what about freezing the medicine? would frozen cannabis be considered usable? never heard of anyone smoking a frozen bowl or joint before lol


OR does the "resonable enough amount needed to effectively treat the patents condition" part cover that? I mean 12 plants in itself is gonna yeald way more than 2.5 Oz under proper conditions lol

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
Sorry Im baked and trying to wrap my head around this lol

Yeah we're:eyesmoke:all baked .....

-thats why we're in here.....

Just know this.....

-unless you grow ""2.5oz"plants
(if they're more weight than that could be fkd)

as soon as you grow and harvest it you could be illegal
15zips is ALL your allowed-

you pay lawyers here to find out your "rights"

Come on up tho....the markets:leaf:flooded!
welcome Jedi:eyesmoke:........the more the merrier!


so that means you have to dwarf your plants enough not to go crazy or not grow the plant count every crop for each patent and set up a perpetual grow cycle that would keep you from going too far over your limit each harvest then. Its doable but then I would have to use SCIENCE and MATH lol


another question lol, what if you have a patent that prefers to use edibles and you produce cannabutter for them or show them how and how to bake with it for instance a senior or someone that smoking or vaping isnt the best solution for say copd patents. how to you figure the weight on that? lol

would it go by the dry weight of the raw product used to make it? or the weight of the finished product ?


Well-Known Member
currently anything other than flowers are illegal regardless of amount although we are hoping for a vote on the medible and provisioning center bills in the coming weeks


Well-Known Member
so that means you have to dwarf your plants enough not to go crazy or not grow the plant count every crop for each patent and set up a perpetual grow cycle that would keep you from going too far over your limit each harvest then. Its doable but then I would have to use SCIENCE and MATH lol
It's a hard point to understand for some people. Many cant understand just because you are allowed to grow 72 plants doesn't equate too you should grow 72 plants. I really don't see the point of growing more than 40-50 plants in MI right now, unless your really fond of SOG where a perpetual would require more plants to hit your legal 15oz maximum. I would say that only makes up 5-10% of growers here in MI though.


yea theres no way im gonna try that shit but start small more like 3-4 plants at a time of some good solid strains in a perp sog setup for monthly harvest maybe and start with myself to get the cycle down before i take on patents.


Well-Known Member
I agree with mick 12 plants for 1 pt could equate to 4 clones 4 in veg and 4 in flower and more likely than not unless you really have no idea what you are doing would put you well over your dry limit at harvest. Reasonably, if you are just caring for a few patients those 12 plants alone could cover a few patients if they were light to moderate users. realistically though you could easily cover 2 patients for the month and still be over if you know what you are doing in the garden.


Well-Known Member
Yeah we're:eyesmoke:all baked .....

-thats why we're in here.....

Just know this.....

-unless you grow ""2.5oz"plants
(if they're more weight than that could be fkd)

as soon as you grow and harvest it you could be illegal
15zips is ALL your allowed-

you pay lawyers here to find out your "rights"

Come on up tho....the markets:leaf:flooded!
welcome Jedi:eyesmoke:........the more the merrier!
Wine market is super flooded, fine wines still going for a lot loot though.


well it seems from what I have been reading here and a few other forums, although there are some "dispensaries" around up there, a lot of them have regs to mediocre meds that they charge way too much for as a lot people with no business being in a grow room are trying to pass their product off as "medical grade" . Not to say everyone has crap medicine mind you but from what I gather true Medical Grade is a bit of a challenge to find.


Well-Known Member
well it seems from what I have been reading here and a few other forums, although there are some "dispensaries" around up there, a lot of them have regs to mediocre meds that they charge way too much for as a lot people with no business being in a grow room are trying to pass their product off as "medical grade" . Not to say everyone has crap medicine mind you but from what I gather true Medical Grade is a bit of a challenge to find.

So you guys in Indiana got the lock down on the fire eh?