question about CFLs


ok i have 3 42 watt cfls and 2 23 watts (i think thats right, i could be 22) anyways i am going to grow most of them out side but in my area i can only do about 3 out side because i want to space them out. so i have an extra 1 that i want to put in my closet, i was wondering if i could use the cfls i have to flower, i see alot of people do flower with cfl and get a good head stash, thats what i want, but i don't know if what i have is enough, i also have a few smaller ones. also how far off the plant should they be? my closet is about 3 feet wide 5-6 feet tall and 5-6 feet deep. i have tryied to grow in my closet before but i always put the lights to close and they die. it gets pritty hot in there but this time i do have a small box fan.
i need info on closet cfl grows only i know i would be better off putting it out side but i just can't, so its ether CFLs or trash can, and i don't want to do that.
any info would be nice


Well-Known Member
that's plenty of light, make sure you make back reflectors for your bulbs and don't veg to tall, (top or better yet scrog).


Well-Known Member
sounds like your ready to me this is my first year trying cfl's and i like them
i keep mine 2-3 inches away from plant and adjust accordingly as they grow are your 42 watt soft
reason i ask is all i can find around here that size is the 2500k can't find a 6500k
i guess i could order one but im doin fine with what i have which is 6 26 watt 6500k for vegg and 2 44 watt 2500k if i try to flower one


Well-Known Member
LOL, it is funny you said either CFLs or trash can.. Why not both? You remind me of a time years ago when I gave my friends a blueberry/nebula clone.

I came back a few months later. They took me to a walk in closet where there was a big shiny galvanized metal trash can. They pulled off the lid and ... wow!! A mature bluXneb plant - flowered in the can. then drilled some holes for fans and ran a few CFLs through the lid to hang down. It worked well. The can really concentrated the light in a small area. I was impressed by the CFL in that instance.