Question about cleaning my old rig and maybe making capsules with claim?


Active Member
So i was thinking about cleaning my oil rig but dont want to smoke or waste the claim. If i clean it with 91 iso alc wait for it to desolve into the alc then strain it though a coffee filter and purge it properly it will be ok to eat in capsules?
once the iso is fully evaporated it should be good to use as you want, but youll want to make sure its completely gone
yeah most def, gonna wait for it to completley dry out then reheat to scraped up. would i need to add anything to the after product before i put in capsules or will straight qwiso oil work fine
yeah most def, gonna wait for it to completley dry out then reheat to scraped up. would i need to add anything to the after product before i put in capsules or will straight qwiso oil work fine

you will still need some fat added to the resin. You are going to have some awful burps coming your way too.