Question about cloning, couldn't find answer on site...


Okay I have searched the site to the best of my ability to find the answer to my question. First off everything would be grown in a stealthy "DIY" 3 drawer dresser conversion just for some consistent personal smoke. The dresser is about 30" wide, 28" tall and 17" deep.... I know its not the tallest nor the biggest, but perfect for stress training or flowering when they're short/medium sized plants. The dresser mod would consist of 2 seperate chambers. The left smaller chamber would have the mother plant in it and also be shared with the carbon filter sucking from the veg/flower chamber. The filter will be wired to run 24/7 during flowering in the veg/flower chamber.) The mother plant/filter side would be 14" wide and the other veg/flower chamber would be about 17" wide. My original plan was to get a good Alaskan thunderf*ck clone from a buddy and veg it in the "mom chamber" on a constant 18/6 light cycle.

I would like to get the mother plant to a size that would be good for getting about 4 to 6 clones off of it each time I clone her

The veg/flower chamber would consist of 4 100watt 6500k CFL bulbs for vegging the clones from my original mother plant....When it was time to flower I would swap out the bulbs in the veg/flower chamber for 2 300watt 2700K bulbs.
my first question is

1) is it possible to time it so -----> The mother plant is cloned, then the clones were grown/harvested, and then cloning mom again to fill up the now empty veg/flower chamber all in a perfect timing cycle to continue a constant flow of clones being harvested, and then mom being re cloned and starting over again?

2) what wattage 6500K bulb would I need to keep mom growing slowly to match my harvest/re clone cycle

3) will this lighting be good in each side? I know the flower bulbs are most important for big yeilds...are two 300 watt 2700K bulbs okay for flowering 4 or 5 clones?

4)how many clones should I take, as in how many can I fit into the 28"tall x 17" wide x 16" deep veg/flower chamber

5) would it be better to just clone the original clone when its big enough to get 5 off, use one for a new mother, and then send the others to the other side to veg to like 10" then flower?...this way I wouldnt have to worry about keeping a mother plant short and trimmed.

6) what is the smallest clone you can take?

Ahhh I hope this wasnt too confusing...i'm open to all suggestions and questions. THANKS!


Well-Known Member
i would get 4 ,6 inch square pots for the veg side 4, 8 inch ones for the flower side. fill them with perlite and grow hempy buckets.grow the first clone till you can take 4 clones from it then move it and bud it.grow the 4 clones till you can pull a clone from each of them and bud them .so from there you'll always have 4 veg and 4 flower that are about the same size and you don't have to keep a mother taking up space.


Well-Known Member
you don't have room for a filter what i would do is cut a 1 foot square hole in the back of the dresser on each side(1 in the veg side one in the flower side) staple a cut to size activated carbon prefilter (walmart for $10 or so) up to cover the hole, then use 2 small pc fans or some thing up against the filter blowing out. feel free to pm me if you need any help,i like to come up with help


you don't have room for a filter what i would do is cut a 1 foot square hole in the back of the dresser on each side(1 in the veg side one in the flower side) staple a cut to size activated carbon prefilter (walmart for $10 or so) up to cover the hole, then use 2 small pc fans or some thing up against the filter blowing out. feel free to pm me if you need any help,i like to come up with help
I was thinking that maybe it would be best to just try to get 2 clones from my buddy, and then set it up for one flower chamber, and one veg chamber. I think I would start the 2 clones off in the veg chamber, then when it was time to flower them, just collect 2 clones from each of the two plants (4 clones total) and then just keep 4 clones vegging, and 4 clones in the flower chamber from there on out....can you or anyone else answer a few questions for me?

1)is it possible to grow clones in the veg chamber to like 10 or 12" while the other side goes through the flower stage? is it possible to time them both perfectly for a continuous cycle?

2) is it okay to hang dry them in the box? if so how well would cutting the carbon "screen" on each side really filter the smell?!?! It's gotta be stealthy for the room mates sake

3) can you explain the hempy bucket concept to me
Thanks Johnny!!! or anyone else

4) how many of the 300watt 2700K bulbs will I need for flowering 4 there a rule of thumb to follow when it comes to flowering with CFL's? like 300 watts per bulb or something? I want big solid buds (on my herbs and chia pets of course)
for some reason putting pics up here sketches me out


Well-Known Member
hempy bucket : you get a bucket drill a 7/16th hole 2 inches from the bottom,fill the bucket with perlite and put your clone into it.the bottom 2 inches always has water so you just fill it as necessary.i've done soil and hempy and hempy is better in every way.
at walmart a square 2 gallon mop bucket is $2 and a bag of perlite is $7. i do 3 gallon buckets with 5 ft plants ,1 bag of perlite fills a 3 gallon bucket perfect.see my me if you need anything i will answer asap.



Well-Known Member
for the filter it really depends on how bad the plants smell if it gets bad you can add a filter.for the lights use as many of the 300w cfl's you can fit in there.i think 2 would be ok


yo so I switched up the whole shabang....I have a veg chamber and thats a tiny bit smaller and then a flower chamber. I made a filter that's pretty badass out of a pewerful computer fan, an empty whey protein jug, and metal-like dryer hosing. I ran the dryer hose out the flower chamber into the veg chamber and mounted the filter to the ceiling of the cabinet. it takes up no space for the plants since they wont ever reach that tall in that chamber. It's actually pretty elite of a small setup. I then filled the protein jug with carbon filter material and siliconed the fan onto the protein jar mouth pulling air through the hose, out of the flower chamber into, through the bucket with carbon and into the veg chamber. then I have a few holes drilled in the back door for clean non smelly air to naturally work its way out. along with any heat. I'll have the fan on a seperate timer for 24/7 once the plants start budding so there's no odor. MY ROOMATES WILL NEVER FIND MY SECRET TOMATO GARDEN NOW!!! hahaha