question about cool tube....+rep....


i am going to make one and i was wondering which way the air flow should go....should i blow the hot air out or pull it out with my exhaust fan...does it even matter??


New Member
i am going to make one and i was wondering which way the air flow should go....should i blow the hot air out or pull it out with my exhaust fan...does it even matter??
u should have one blowing over the bulb and 1 sucking from it
and u want it going out not in the room


Active Member
honeslty it doesnt really matter what direction u have the air the flowing as long as that hot air isnt going back into the room....just utta curioustiy how are u going to make a cool tube u know that the plastic has to be a speicla type of material......
You basically want to push cool air over the bulb and pull it out the room.One strong fan will do the job or u can use 2 duct booster fans works perfect for me..


i was reading last night and this guy on another forum made one out of the glass that u use for lanterns...i figure it will be fine until i get my real one....e had pics and everything showing how it worked and how well it worked...has me sold on the idea
:confused:can any one tell me ...the tops of my plants are going slightly yellow after 2 days under an 600 watt aircooled tube with 150mm fan..are they to hot (light is about 2ft above them)or are they lacking something using advance nutients 2 part..there in grow stage a couple weeks...pls pls help getting worried now..was reading it could be a lack of magnesium orr ph problem:???: using flood and drain system currently 4 floods a day for 10 min


:confused:can any one tell me ...the tops of my plants are going slightly yellow after 2 days under an 600 watt aircooled tube with 150mm fan..are they to hot (light is about 2ft above them)or are they lacking something using advance nutients 2 part..there in grow stage a couple weeks...pls pls help getting worried now..was reading it could be a lack of magnesium orr ph problem:???: using flood and drain system currently 4 floods a day for 10 min
u might be overwatering and giving to many nutes.....if ur flooding four times a day with nutes that is way to much...try cuttin it back a little bit


Active Member
i personally dont fuck with cool tubes cuz there a haedache and waste of time...... drop the tubes and just use shades and get ur self a nice ac and ull be gold my freind......


Well-Known Member
:confused:can any one tell me ...the tops of my plants are going slightly yellow after 2 days under an 600 watt aircooled tube with 150mm fan..are they to hot (light is about 2ft above them)
well I would have to say I drought its your light being to hot from 2 feet away unless you have no ventilation in your space and its 90+F in there.. my box stays at 82F and my 400hps is 4-6 inches from my tops, with no cooltube, just a pc fan blowing on it...