question about drying and curing!!!!????


Well-Known Member
Hello all, i have just trimmed my bud and now it is hanging but the weather outside is a little warm, i have cool fans blowing around the room but not directly on the bud, i am still worried of a quick dry, is it possible to lightly mist the drying buds to avoid a quick dry? what else can i do to help them not dry out so quick?

also are there any tips now or after they have hung where i can make my nuggets feel alot tighter? i was wondering a tight vacuum seal for a couple of days to really make them dense?

any tips and help would be great. thanks.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
You can throw them in jars to help slow down the drying if its going too fast. If you jar or bag them a little wet, the buds will tighten up on their own weight. But you have to watch them or they'll mold. Doing this will also lose lots of crystals

None of this is advice I would actually give someone, but it does answer your questions.

Whatever you do, don't go misting them with water!


Well-Known Member
It helps lower temps which slows the drying process. Humidifier/dehumidifier can control humidity. That's just what I use but I'm sure there are better ways out there. Gary's idea is great too. Just throw them in the jar before they are completely dry and take a look at them a couple times a day. Of they get super wet again leave the jar open for an hour