question about drying


Well-Known Member
hey i am going to be drying my buds in a pretty small home is fresh right now since it is kind of cold outside do i still need to have a fan for airflow..because the fan i have is kind of strong on its lowest setting..and ive found many answers but im not sure which one to go with can some one tell me plain and simple when do i know when my bud is dry.. thankss in advance


New Member
I would get something in there to create airflow. Usually you can find a cheap fan for like 20 bucks that will do. If you cannot do that, use your fan, but do not put it directly onto the buds, aim it off to the side to keep the air moving in the drying room.


New Member
You will eventually get your own method down, but for me, in my drying room, it usually takes about 6-10 days to dry the bud to the point that it is time to cure. Some people say to dry until the stem snaps when bent, but I do not wait for it to get that dry. I usually will wait for my buds to feel dry and kind of crispy on the outside. That tells me that the outer part of the bud is dry, and we need to work on the inner part of the bud (the moisture working itself out). Curing helps the inner part of the bud.

Honestly, just dry for a few days, and try grinding a little bud every couple days. Usually, if it is too wet, it will not just fall out of your grinder. And if you are getting dust after grinding, you dried too long.

Good luck, dude!


yeah i dry till it feels a little crispy on the outside usually after 5 days. then jar them for 3 days. i dont like when they are to dry that they crumble when touched. also you could try weighing your buds. i always weigh mine when i first cut them then when they are dry. i usually lose 50 to 60 percent of the weight. say i have 60 grams when first harvested it will be around 25 to 30 grams dry.