Question about Dyna-Gro Bloom


Well-Known Member
I am currently in full flowering with a bubblelicious auto from nirvana.. its getting there. tons of white hairs and bud forming and crystals going everywhere. I was wondering, will dyna gro bloom and only using dyna gro bloom be able to grow really good smoke?

said I didnt give any nutes till day 23 when white hairs started then I started giving dyna gro bloom. Can I get really really good smoke only using this bloom formula? anyone else only used dyna gro bloom in flowering?? your results??? thanks... I tried to search on these forums for a thread talking only about dyna gro bloom but couldnt find anything.

thank ya kindly folks.


Well-Known Member
Lots of Dyna threads in the nutrients subsection of General Growing.

Yes you can, but if trying to use one nute from start to finish dyna Foliage Pro is the one. Grow is designed to work with teh MagPro for additional micro nutes. And really, Bloom and Grow mixed is better for flower.

Also, Dyna ProTekt is great wiht both.

So Dyna systems are:
1) Grow, Bloom, MagPro, Protekt
2) Foliage Pro and Protekt

#2 is all I do.


Well-Known Member
No real need for bloom. I do use it every once in a while in flower if I see/feel a need for more P. But really FP and ProTekt can get you from start to finish well...