Question about electric


Active Member
I have a 600watt dimmable ballast running in the room next to mine and I have noticed a lot of power surges. I know the electricity connection for the two bedrooms is linked because only those two rooms go out when its overloaded. The ballast is sucking so much power that it actually makes the television have static in the backround. I also cant plug the vacuum in either one of the rooms or else the power gets cut off. I was just wondering if anybody knows of a solution to save power...maybe something i can plug into the wall then plug the ballast into that? Some sort of power saver.


Well-Known Member
Nope, there is nothing available that works. If there was, everyone would be using them. 600 watts of power is not much, actually less to run a light than a big TV. Your wiring in your place, most likely, can't handle the draw of whatever is on the circuit already. Sounds like you are already popping breakers/fuses so be very careful or you could have a fire. You'll need to have an electrician come in and rewire the pace with a bigger electric panel, or reduce your light to a 400 watter, or grow outside or switch to fluorescents. There are many options, none that are easy (or cheap).