Question about feeding??????


Well-Known Member
Hey whatsup I just had a quick question,

I am using soil and water about every 5 days, should I be using nutrients every water then? I'm using a T5 system for veg and the leaves at the bottom and middle are turning pale green then yellow then die. I'm guessing its a lack of N am I right?


Well-Known Member
I would start with PH first, but yeah, feeding only every ten days would definitely lead to some deficiencies.


Active Member
I respond to your other post as well, Use a base "grow" nutrient. It also depends on the medium you use. Does your soil contain nutrients? Also, water/feed every 3rd day is probably where you need to be. By day 3, my medium is dry and I feed or water. You definitely want to let your medium dry to prevent root problems, but not for days at a time. So, every three days and I usually do a feed, feed, water.


water when you feel your plants need it not everyday of course but you can tell when they need it also i would use nutes every other watering you do