Question about Grow tents and Cool tube Reflectors


Well-Known Member
So I take this, High Tech Garden Supply and connect ducting to the opposite end of the reflector, attach a blower and that should exhaust the majority of my heat? I want to use a sunhutXL and i am using a 1000w HPS, so i dont want the heat to get to high. How do others run their grow tents, i am very curious on the exhaust and intake slots and how they are used, can anyone show me theirs or explain?


Well-Known Member
if u whant u can only have 1 outake of ur tent and one intake at the bottom use the outtake to suck the air out of ur tube , and the air in ur tent will exit by the cool tubes intake


Well-Known Member
i don't know anything about tents, but i've got a 400W HPS cooltube with a MH conversion right now with about 6' of ducting and a cheapo home depot fan pumping out my window, and every single part of the lens, ducting, and reflector is at most warm to the touch ... it is really a great design.


Well-Known Member
What type of tent works best. Ive seen lots about the Secret Jardin, sunhut, then i hear about light leaks, toxic chemicals killing plants....whats the best grow tent to go with?


Well-Known Member
np , just remember it takes time sum times to get awnserd (for all of us) and try to read about it if u can befor posting a thread .


Well-Known Member
oops forgot

Q: how can i yield denser nugs, and whats really the best mid-flowering nute amount to make sure they can fill out enough?