question about height and flower stretch


Active Member
hello to all, this site has been a godsend truly and ive been using it for months and i finally have a question that digging through countless forums couldnt get me an answer for (well roughly) i have 4 foot plants in 1 gallon buckets in an ebb and flow system they were growing over an inch a day and have almost stopped they have a huge root system in there tiny 2x2 tray and its making them topple over so i have to tie them etc, i was wondering could it possibly have reached its maximum height?, if so hw much stretch could i expect from a 40/60 indica dominant (tho it has a heght of a sativa) nothernlightsxblueberry?(peakseeds) i dont suspect it being rootbound although those roots are getting damn thick there only about half way filling up the tray these have been vigorous plants and COUNTLESS interuptions have delayed me this long, frustrating doesnt even begin to describe it heh (and growings supposed to be fun) i have a ceiling of about 10 feet minus a foot for the 600w so i have 4 feet to work with (theres 3 plants btw) any input is greatly appreciated!!!


Active Member
damn i forgot to mention there still vegging heh, so this questoinh is how much taller when they flower, sorry for the horrible grammar/punctuation and run on sentences

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
a sativa can triple in height wile in flower, your indica dom wont go that high but if they were to double in height you better consider LST


Well-Known Member
hmm generally they double or triple in size there not usually supposed to get that tall indoors... but in your case i cant see them getting to 8 ft but they will grow more i suggest u transplant them into a bigger pot and flower them long have u been vegging them for


Active Member
whoa very fast replies! thanks guys, i took the tallest one and snapped her stem sideways trying to control the height (2 months ago it just grew faster i swear) cause it was outgrowing the other two ive begun lsting the others now so theyll stop a little bit too i was thinking of possibly a chicken wire just to keep the tops tied down, theyve been vegging for hell, 4 months now? its been the past month that theyve really slowed down to a creep and have stopped although the other two seem to be catching up, would anyone recommend topping the largest one or will it branch to light suffocate the other two? cause it already tends to grow alot of side branches defintely wont be doing this again ive already got 16 clones fully trained the hell down from these wonderful mamas and i cant see ever growing a plant higher than 2 feet lol but these aer the strains that are a pain in the ass, leaf sets of an indica height of a sativa what a nightmare


Active Member
ah i tried but the stalk was so thick it was like celery i figured snapping it was better than letting it go untrained, unless you go about training extremely slowly for plants these size?


Well-Known Member
snapped the top stem in half? only supposed to bend it and tie down but i guess u got a shit load of plant to work with and wen are u planning on flowering??? 4 months of veg? u got like 3 motherplants lol they gonna be huge keep us posted


Active Member
haha yeah when i say celery i mean f'n celery ive heard other grow reports of people complaining about it too, i bought some silica that seems to be helping quite a bit it didnt snap fully i heard the dreaded crunches and just smashed the crap out of it then put neosporin and paper/tape on it so i guess it was more of a failed supercrop haha, ill keep it updated as im sure ill have a couple more questions real soon heheh but man it does look promising very stinky for a supposedly fairly low odor NL


Active Member
ill post some pics for sure hehe, i wanted to flower oh say 2 months ago but i finely got around to getting everything ready stripped down a room etc, just to find out im going to have my grandparents reclaim their house!!! so thats why its so out of hand i have to remove and reclean and do everything all over again in another room what fun, oh well ive made pretty much every mistake youe made so i know how NOT to grow pot i guess lol, but ive seen worse :]