Question about laying blotter paper


Well-Known Member
As many of you guys know i have some rc. Ive been planning for a while and now have the means, so i am going to lay them on paper. For you lsd purists out there. I will be labeling each tab to make absolutely certain there is no misinformation on my hits. I carry lsd and rc so i want people to know what they are taking and also have the option to try a rare rc, as i know lots of people who want to try them.

I would also like to try to infuse thc extract into the doses. So im wondering whag the best way to do that is, which will result in a not sticky final product?

Or should i try to make individual medibles with doses in them?

The finalized product needs to be stable in a nonrefridgerated environment


Well-Known Member
Laying blotter on paper. Wow that was redundant lol. I was wondering if i should post here or in the weed extraction section!


Well-Known Member
Apologies for Me jumping to conclusions but...
Why the fuck would anyone be caring LSD AND test chemicals at the same time ?
If You got acid. You've got acid.
Nothing is better. And if You think any RC can top LSD....You are not eating real acid and/or insane.

LSD needs to be laid on blotter EVENLY.
If You are laying RCs on blotter... You do not need to lay that shit evenly.

Why? Because any RC or test chemical weighs more in dose than LSD does.

LSD HAS to be laid evenly because it's weight in micrograms / dose is very, VERY small.


Well-Known Member
Apologies for Me jumping to conclusions but...
Why the fuck would anyone be caring LSD AND test chemicals at the same time ?
If You got acid. You've got acid.
Nothing is better. And if You think any RC can top LSD....You are not eating real acid and/or insane.

LSD needs to be laid on blotter EVENLY.
If You are laying RCs on blotter... You do not need to lay that shit evenly.
Why? Because any RC or test chemical weighs more in dose than LSD does.

LSD HAS to be laid evenly because it's weight in micrograms / dose is very, VERY small.
One of those crazy people carrying both (25c-nbome 25b-nbome and lsd, did have 25i as well but has gone missing)

Just because something may be better doesn't mean you have to only do that. I'm sure you think some foods are better than others but you don't only eat the best of the best. Different times call for different chemicals

back to the laying thing, not sure how you would incorporate enough thc into a tab without it going weird since you would want at least a few milligrams. Most tabs can barely hold a few milligrams of highly absorb-able materiel, you'd need the thc tincture to be like perfectly liquid not the slightest bit thick or oily otherwise it'll just go weird and pool on the tab

If you have RC's that can be ingested by swallowing then you could just make caps with both in there and label the caps somehow, write on the cap, edible labeling to stick on it etc however if you're stuck with the tab route only then no idea



Well-Known Member
Apologies for Me jumping to conclusions but...
Why the fuck would anyone be caring LSD AND test chemicals at the same time ?
If You got acid. You've got acid.
Nothing is better. And if You think any RC can top LSD....You are not eating real acid and/or insane.

LSD needs to be laid on blotter EVENLY.
If You are laying RCs on blotter... You do not need to lay that shit evenly.
Why? Because any RC or test chemical weighs more in dose than LSD does.

LSD HAS to be laid evenly because it's weight in micrograms / dose is very, VERY small.
You are so totally misinformed its not funny brother but there is no use in setting you straight because your mind is already set so i wont bother


Well-Known Member
Say we are laying a sheet of doc. We want it to be at 1.5 mg per tab. If we don't care how even it is, with a range of +/- 1 mg per tab we are looking at joe over here eating 0.5 mg and barely tripping, and Charlie over here eating 2.5 mg and having a level 5 trip for 48 hours.
Think of the same margin of error if it was a 2cx and you need to eat 3 3mg tabs. +1 mg each tab is now 12 mg and a high dose. -1 is 6mg and a threshold dose.


Well-Known Member
At the higher doses are where physical side effects start, the first being bodily discomfort. If i keep everything at a nice even dose i can maximize dose for people interested in a novelty trip, and reduce harm


Well-Known Member
Say we are laying a sheet of doc. We want it to be at 1.5 mg per tab. If we don't care how even it is, with a range of +/- 1 mg per tab we are looking at joe over here eating 0.5 mg and barely tripping, and Charlie over here eating 2.5 mg and having a level 5 trip for 48 hours.
Think of the same margin of error if it was a 2cx and you need to eat 3 3mg tabs. +1 mg each tab is now 12 mg and a high dose. -1 is 6mg and a threshold dose.
How many are you trying to lay?
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Well-Known Member
see my thread box of wonders? I wanna try to do 1 sheet of each that will fit. Mainly dox

Weigh a sheet, saturate a sheet with liquid (just so its full), weigh it again then subtract the original weight of the paper and that's how much liquid your blotter can hold. Then you just need to dissolve the dose of single tab x amount of tabs on sheet (so just how much compound there will be over all in the sheet) into the amount of liquid needed to saturate the whole sheet (usually add just a little bit extra solution just in case) then to lay draw up solution into a syringe. Very carefully but not super slowly start to squirt the solution from either right to left starting at the top of the sheet and going down. Try to do it in quarters, using only a quarter of solution for each section of course. Each quarter or when you need to very carefully tilt the sheet so the excess liquid flows onto the dry parts. Use any remaining liquid to fill in any noticeable dry parts (shouldn't be any). Then leave to dry on a wire rack or something just not on a flat surface.

Be warned though laying a small amount of tabs is extremely tedious especially with anything other than LSD due to the dosages required.

Individually dosing the tabs isn't recommended usually makes for very unevenly dosed tabs unless you're really struggling with a whole sheet lay i'd separate all the tabs from the sheet (sucks i know) then you'd need to just dissolve single doses in only enough solution for one tab and repeat, that too is also very annoying, you'll notice why when you see how much liquid a tab can absorb (usually not a lot at all). If you can find a pipette with the exact dosage you need then you can fill the entire thing with the amount of solution for all tabs + exact amount of chemical and then you can just do a single drop on each tab (would still separate the tabs if you are going to single drop)

if you want to be super super ghetto about it and you're finding its impossible to dissolve what's necessary in the amount of solution that can fit on a tab, take a tab off turn it upside down put the amount of drug you want on top of the tab (on the white bottom side) and very carefully drop some liquid onto it make sure nothing spills, just enough so it starts to dissolve into the tab. Now this method is highly not recommended but it can somewhat work if you're really desperate

recommended to use some kind of (drinking) alcohol as the solution, usually near pure ethanol or if whatever you have isn't dissolving very well in the ethanol you can mix a little vodka or any other clean spirit in so the small amount of water in it can help dissolve it.
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Well-Known Member
Right now i have everclear, but have been told grey goose works fine. I was thinking of dosing 2cd or 2cp on paper but not sure if it would work. Another solution im thinking of is just have vials of liquid, all labeled, and then a couple syringes to dose them out. Now, i cant stand alcohol so if i was to dose that way, id assume people would get a very small 1-10 ml dose of everclear. Is that a lot?

Originally i was thinking id need like 10 mL to dose a sheet but a guy told me 1 mL can hold 150mg (for dosing doc).
Thing is, i dont know where to find a small syringe that is marked. At Walmart im seeing unmarked syringes, i could feasibly fill the syringe x times, and then put y amount of a drug (say doc for convenience) and then 1 syringeful would be y/x amount of dose


One of those crazy people carrying both (25c-nbome 25b-nbome and lsd, did have 25i as well but has gone missing)

Just because something may be better doesn't mean you have to only do that. I'm sure you think some foods are better than others but you don't only eat the best of the best. Different times call for different chemicals

back to the laying thing, not sure how you would incorporate enough thc into a tab without it going weird since you would want at least a few milligrams. Most tabs can barely hold a few milligrams of highly absorb-able materiel, you'd need the thc tincture to be like perfectly liquid not the slightest bit thick or oily otherwise it'll just go weird and pool on the tab

If you have RC's that can be ingested by swallowing then you could just make caps with both in there and label the caps somehow, write on the cap, edible labeling to stick on it etc however if you're stuck with the tab route only then no idea

View attachment 3731382

how can i get 25i....
could u tell me the WEB shop.>>?
thank you


Well-Known Member
Have tor installed. Then google Hiddenwiki then search drugs, find the link for alphabay or a similar one.


Well-Known Member
I have a 5-25uL micropipette and 500 5uL tips. The tips are here the pipette is still in the mail. I'll probably dose some candies for some people I know for 2cx, and then paper for nbome and dox. Doc is fucking amazing. I wouldn't go out of my way to look for it but if I had a chance to take 2-5mg of it (1-2 tabs) I'd definitely do it.

Not sure on nbomes. I hear terrible things about them, and also praise. What do you think @Noinch ?
People that I talk to hate nbome because they bought acid and got nbome instead. I will be taking nbome as nbome and knowing the dosage. Hopefully I won't die. Lots of deaths from nbome are due to the addition of other amphetamines or drugs. I want to try a small sample and make my own decision. But I'm still looking into it


Well-Known Member
I have a 5-25uL micropipette and 500 5uL tips. The tips are here the pipette is still in the mail. I'll probably dose some candies for some people I know for 2cx, and then paper for nbome and dox. Doc is fucking amazing. I wouldn't go out of my way to look for it but if I had a chance to take 2-5mg of it (1-2 tabs) I'd definitely do it.

Not sure on nbomes. I hear terrible things about them, and also praise. What do you think @Noinch ?
People that I talk to hate nbome because they bought acid and got nbome instead. I will be taking nbome as nbome and knowing the dosage. Hopefully I won't die. Lots of deaths from nbome are due to the addition of other amphetamines or drugs. I want to try a small sample and make my own decision. But I'm still looking into it
Personally I love 25b-nbome and 25c-nbome, 25b is pretty much 2cb on steroids super euphoric and colorful and 25c is just really relaxed and flowy. I'd be pissed too if i asked for acid and someone gave me nbome but if someone offers me nbome i'm more than happy to take it, they can be beautiful. In fact I don't even have a stash of lsd anymore I just have a bunch of nbome, the shorter duration is definitely a winner for me too. I find 25b and 25c sometimes only lasting 6 hours usually not much more than 8 so finding enough time to take them is less of a problem than acid.

Lots of the deaths are also people snorting it. Why people think they should snort a tiny amount of powder that can easily kill you is beyond me. If your tabs are properly dosed you should have no problem, I have friends that take 5+mg's of the stuff and are completely fine, personally I don't even go over 1.5mg I find just 600ug of 25b and 25c to be really fun