Question about my set-up how many plants do you recommend?

I have just knocked up this little cupboard which i will be using in a stealth grow! i have bought the seeds which are lowrider #2 ive got 5 as i went halfs with my mate on a 10 pack and i was wondering how many i would be able to fit into this area?:leaf:


cheers man im goin to use 2 250w cfl to start with. the case is 3 foot tall if i split it into two compartments do you think i would get 4 in as ive heard they only grow to about a foot nd a half??


Well-Known Member
cheers man im goin to use 2 250w cfl to start with. the case is 3 foot tall if i split it into two compartments do you think i would get 4 in as ive heard they only grow to about a foot nd a half??
Dont always go on how tall they say they grow it can turn out different, i would just keep it as it is 2x250w should be good in there