Question about my set up????


Well-Known Member
Hi i can only use one room for my fisrt grow.dividing the room in two for both the veg and grow stage, wud i need 2 extract fans linkin to the outside or wud one do??????


Well-Known Member
Hi i can only use one room for my fisrt grow.dividing the room in two for both the veg and grow stage, wud i need 2 extract fans linkin to the outside or wud one do??????
you will need at least one out take fan for each section and at least one intake fan for each section:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
use an oscilating fan and put it rite bt the division line that way it takes care of both sides,but its prob better gettin 2 fans,one for each side.


Well-Known Member
You could use a single larger inline fan connected to a "Y" in your exhaust ducting. It would have to be sucking air from the rooms and you would have to watch how you run the ducting to insure that it is sucking the proper proportions from each room. It would be good to have two intakes, one for each room, though.


Well-Known Member
You could use a single larger inline fan connected to a "Y" in your exhaust ducting. It would have to be sucking air from the rooms and you would have to watch how you run the ducting to insure that it is sucking the proper proportions from each room. It would be good to have two intakes, one for each room, though.
i was gonna tell him about the y setup too,but then i was like its probably more work then just putting a fan on each he would need a powerful fan to pull the air from both rooms:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the answers guys!!! i dont know much bout electricity, so when using these 4 fans we'll say, wud i have use a couple of extension cords to accommadate for the high power fans????
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Well-Known Member
thanks for the answers guys!!! i dont know much bout electricity, so when using these 4 fans we'll say, wud i have use a couple of extension cords to accommadate for the high power fans????
Don't use cheap made in China extension cords..Thats how a neighbor got popped. After the FIRE....even if they have a UL (counterfeit) stamp don't use cheap electrical
shit......go best.........better safe..........


Well-Known Member
Don't use cheap made in China extension cords..Thats how a neighbor got popped. After the FIRE....even if they have a UL (counterfeit) stamp don't use cheap electrical
shit......go best.........better safe..........
I also advise that the extension cords are grounded,and that you run a surge protector on each one and try not to over load the power recommendations.Also be sure to keep your ballast in a safe well ventilated spot.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the answers guys!!! i dont know much bout electricity, so when using these 4 fans we'll say, wud i have use a couple of extension cords to accommadate for the high power fans????
Depends on the type of fan. If possible use squirrel cage fans,as they are quiet and do a very good job.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies. i was intending on using squirrel cage fans, heard their good. as im not used to fans, what power of fan should i b lookin at for both the squirrel cage and oscilating fans?????????


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies. i was intending on using squirrel cage fans, heard their good. as im not used to fans, what power of fan should i b lookin at for both the squirrel cage and oscilating fans?????????
Any small mid size oscillating fan will work.For squirl cag you only need like small or medium one a monster fan is not necessarry as long as its keeping the box cool.:blsmoke: