Question About Nirvana Seed Co.


Well-Known Member
Good evening.

Now I am aware that the search function exist, and there are plenty of threads on how horrible Nirvana Seed Co is, this is not one of them. I didn't find the answers I was looking for so I am asking here. Before I get into my story and confuse some people, my question is, is there a way to direct connect to someone via a phone number or an actual e-mail address for this company? I have taken two tickets now (over the course of 1.5 months and still haven't had a reply...on top of them switching the topic to "resolved.") Or am I overlooking a response somewhere in the "ticket" area?

I have just recently had an order through Nirvana seeds and had some problems with extremely poor germination and also weak plants from the ones that developed. I am not unfamiliar with this level of cultivation and also had two other breeders genetics side-by-side to verify my methods are fairly successful. This is besides the point though, I digress...

So I contact Nirvana Seeds 1.5 months ago.. I create a ticket and wait, and wait. No reply for a solid month, is then followed by the topic being "resolved." This becomes rather irritating as the poor crop of seed had really hurt my timing/scheduling for meeting patient expectations. I was rather polite in my messages I felt. I will post 'em up (in case anyone is this bored and wants to witness.)

This is not a blast or anything towards Nirvana seeds by any means (not yet at least...) I will give them the benefit of the doubt and a little more patience before I harsh on them and take them off my forever list of seed providers. I appreciate the time in viewing this and also the countless hours of worry/stress/dedication/ and research that everyone involved in this beautiful culture has endured for a time to long now. Grow on my friends, grow on!


First Ticket (went 7 weeks before being "resolved"... not in my eyes)
Good evening!

I have recently started a set of the Nirvana Blackjack and Papaya (regular) seed stock. I would have to say, with being extremely excited for these genetics and the credentials of Nirvana seed company, I was disappointed to be let down due to the poor germination rate of these seeds. I started all 20 seeds and currently only have 4 plants (two of each strain) from this. 20% is pretty unacceptable in my opinion. I understand that 100% is hard to guarantee, but anything less then 70% is fairly poor. Especially from a reputable seed company such as yourself.

A little about my method, to eliminate the potential user error in this. As well as being an avid horticulturist for all types of plants, this is not my first rodeo with this style cultivation. I started the seeds, as I have done in the past, in between two layers of moist paper towels, inside of a Tupperware container. I then place a small heater in a towel and place the Tupperware on top of this for bottom heat. It never gets above 82 F degree. I also had 4 seeds from Spain's Elite genetics. Juanita LaGrimosa (which is an excellent variety by the way!) All 4 of these seeds had sprouted within two days. Also, two of the Blackjack sprouted by day two, so I was naturally excited for the others to quickly follow. Long story short, after 6 days (which is a long time already, especially with this method) I had 6 plants of your genetics. 5 BlackJack and only one Papaya, Two of the seedlings later died off due to what I assume dampening off ( 1 BJ and the only Papaya.)

So long story short, I stayed optimistic and left the seeds for two weeks, out of 20 started 6 was my total germination rate. Two of them were weak looking and perished after a 4 days in a fine seedling starting mix... The fact I had a control point using the Elite seed line makes me more comfortable that this was not due to my lack of attention or care to these plants. I still hold faith in this company although my first experience was far from stellar. I was most disheartened by my loss of time and medicinal production due to this situation.

I'm not sure what the policy of this company is in a matter such as this. But I would most definitely be stoked if I was compensated some way, shape, or form with a few set of seeds. I appreciate the time in reading this novel and also appreciate what you do for the cause. Peace and good vibes from a sunny place!

Thank you

Ticket Two - Sent in last week, only took 7 days to be "resolved" but I still have had no response???

So as the title states, I have had some very disappointing results from the last round of seeds I started of your shop. My first ticket sat for 5 weeks with no attention paid to it.. On top of that, it was just settled as "resolved" a few days ago, not by my hand. I'm rather displeased with both the quality of seed I received and also the customer service as of now. I still have faith in y'all but my patience is dwindling. I'm sure y'all can access my other ticket, but in the chance that you can't I will copy/paste the info from my last ticket.

I would greatly appreciate someone's time to help resolve this matter. Thank you for what you guys do!
Much respect
It was ended with a copy/paste of ticket one.
My seeds were confiscated by the border from Nirvana, I knew they werent responsible but I emailed them anyways with a picture of the letter, saying it was my first purchase ever etc anything I could do to possibly re-order with a discount etc..

Within 3 hours I had an email form an agent saying my order was re-sent, free of charge
ive had nothing but great luck with nirvana gear. cheap prices,, good genetics, seeds that arrived, etc. my germ rate is well above 90% for every breeder i've tried and they were no different. i got almost every one of their feminized strains.
This is a majority of responses I have heard, 'tis why I gave them a try. They are highly reputable for customer service, or so I have heard. Like I said though, I am absolutely amazed that I have yet to reach a response after almost two months and two tickets created. The seeds got there quick, I was stoked! But after starting 20 seeds I have 2 plants that have made it, This is less then stellar. I had started another stock from a fine breeder in Espana and all the seeds have germinated and are growing nicely. Same method all the way through for both trials.