Question about nodes & topping.

The Smasher

New Member
Basically when you cut the main stem at the node, you usually get two new dominate tops, the question I have is: If you cut both tops and leave a bare node with no starting growth on it, will it regenerate new growths or become non active at that node. Reason I am asking is to make sure I don't ruin any cloning branches.

Bellow is an example. If I cut those two tops and left the two fan leaves, would I get any new growth?

zoomed out..


Active Member
you need two cut above a pair of nodes with leaves on (2" is good)

if you cut the 2 shoots as shown in the picture, 90% sure the two tops will die, they need a leave at the top of the shoot


Well-Known Member
Yes. If you cut the new growth. It will stop growth there.

Its not like a magic 3 headed dragon and if you cut the head off 2 more grow. Haha
If you think about it, when you top, what are you really doing? Your cutting off the main cola/branch/stem. That kills the growth of that stem, but doesnt kill the branches below the cut. This just lets the next two higgest branches/nodes take priority at the top of the plant, creating two colas. Make sense?

But to put it simply, just keep doing what your doing, if you cut the new nodes you will only be hurting yourself

The Smasher

New Member
I will pull back on how many cuttings I take and make sure every cut leaves behind a chute to take its place.
Since I have already topped it so many times to keep it bushy I've probably only set my self back a little bit.
I plan to let these branches get a little longer and more mature.
Next time I will move one node up from the last cut taken and this should eventually start doubling my cuttings per branch I am able to get in the future.
That is how I how I have done it in the past. Just wasn't sure if you cut all the sites down on a single node leaving a stub if it could regenerate more.
In short no, and that's why I had asked to keep from doing a needless experiment that would have given me an undesired result ruining such a beautiful plant.

Thanks guys.