Question about nutrients!?!?!

So i live in ontario canada and i have been growing my plant on a very steep hill so it gets lots of sun and that made it just determine the sex acouple days ago and a shes a GIRL!:D so any way i have been using miracle grow for vegetative stage with a nutrients ratio of 21-8-14 and it has worked amazingly no problems what so ever so now i just went and got some flowering nutrients thats about 10-55-10 should i be excited that this plant is going to be budding like a mother fucker? and when should i harvest if it just determined its sex? the plant is about 5 feet high and looks beautiful so hopefully itll work out and doesnt get stolen..
and one more thing the main stem at the bottom is going purple and so are some of the the bottom stems? should i be worried the only thing i can think of is maybe the ph level is fucked but i dont know how to controll it cause its in an area with only weeds and prickly plants if you know what i mean so maybe that turns the soil acidic i don't know but nothing i can do cause my plants already in the ground... will my plant be ok though?!?:"(
the leaves are also purple so maybe the strain is what is determining it cause i have had purple leaves for a while but htoiught maybe it could be the ferts i use

Hip Hop Grower

Well-Known Member
bro, if you live in ontario canada like me and your plant just started flowering now, you are going to be in trouble. way too late in the season for us now man, its like 8 degrees at night already you should of been harvesting in a month


Active Member
Sounds good weedstock, Congrats on the girl! Your ferts are on the strong side so go light with them. If they just starting showing then go with a half and half mix of the grow and bloom for a week or two, then switch to the bloom only for the end. As you get closer to the end of the budding, reduce the ferts as you get close and then stop alltogether for the last few weeks. Don't worry about the purple at this point it might be the strain or some fert lock-out. If it is lock-out then without knowing why you'd be guessing and might make things worse. Go light with the ferts and you should get a great harvest. Make sure to support the branches besause when ithey put weight on it's hard for the plant to support them. Keep it going.
yea man it does suck it took so long to determine the sex but i can leave it untill the last frost and then go and pick it like that morning it doens't matter ill hvae to be on the ball and on the look out for the first frost but i can let it resin up as long as possible and then pick it at the last possible second so do think i will still have enough time for it to mature?:O
i just looked up the first frost in the town im closest too and its october 10 so i have 7 1/2 weeks till then is that enough time to produce some tasty buds? ps it gets lotsssss of sunlight and water if that helps and it started showing pistils about 4 days ago so really 8 weeks to flower that should be enough time right?
so i took one scoop out of the fertalizer it was the powder stuff and mixed it with a fresh bottle of water so that wouldn't be to much would it the scoop is quite small in my opinion about 2-3mL and the bottle is 500 mL.. i thought that would be a reasonable amount


Active Member
i just looked up the first frost in the town im closest too and its october 10 so i have 7 1/2 weeks till then is that enough time to produce some tasty buds? ps it gets lotsssss of sunlight and water if that helps and it started showing pistils about 4 days ago so really 8 weeks to flower that should be enough time right?
You don't even need to worry about a light frost. The plants are prety hardy. Mine get through nights into the high 20'sF (a few hours) but it warms into the 50s or more in the day. You'll have plenty of time to get some very tasty bud by then. ;)

so i took one scoop out of the fertalizer it was the powder stuff and mixed it with a fresh bottle of water so that wouldn't be to much would it the scoop is quite small in my opinion about 2-3mL and the bottle is 500 mL.. i thought that would be a reasonable amount
Check what the package says and don't go any stronger. I tend to go on the lighter side depending what the plants tell me. If they are all nice and green then I go 1/2 strength. If they look like they need something then I'll go stronger. Your using chem/salt based ferts and you can burn them if you go to strong or wrose yet stunt/stop thier growth. :( I don't want to concern you too much just a friendly warning. If she looks good then you and/or mother nature is working. don't over think it. KISS > "keep it simple super simple" or in most cases "keep it simple stupid" anyway controll the erge to interfere too much, less is often more. Watch, then step in and only make small adjustments. Let us know how it works out. I hope you get a great havvest. Good luck and most important enjoy it! whatever happens. - cazador


Active Member
Youl be fine. The buds may only reach 40 to 50 percent ambered compared to a desired 60 percent but itll be fine bro.