Question about pistils

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
yeah, first pic was from 9 days into 12/12 and the 1st day of flowering AFAIK.

I'm growin 5x BubbleGum and 5x NLX (Swiss name for Northern lights x White Widow) from clones. They both seem to have the same growth rate, which is perfect since I need to harvest them at about the same time, since I'll also use my Homebox to dry them.

Can you post a link to your grow journal plz?
Yes I can! As soon as someone teaches me how to do that :-P


Well-Known Member
Like any other hobbie or job you will find that alot of the fucking dim witted i know everything kind of guys on this site.This is a good thing pistols wiil triple while in flower take no notice there are some ok guys on this site and alot that are full of shit.BELIVE me if you are in your 9th day and already have loads of pistol shooting out already your doing ok the reason they keep multiplying is they are seeking out the male to pollonate them but theres not one there.leave your girls to do there job then reep the rewards.