Question about planting in Soil, seeds cracked, when to put under floresent light?


I am adding 5 plants in soil to my grow, i've got 5 crack'd seeds, and have planted them in clear plastic cups in FFLW.
My question is this: at what point do I put these 5 cups under floresent lights? After the seedling pops out? or before?
I want to get them growing correctly and don't want to screw them up.


Active Member
They usually pop through the soil fast, most of the time within 24 hours. If you're keeping a close eye on them you can wait until you see them coming through to put the light on them, but it won't hurt to just put the light on them immediately after you plant. I'd recommend just putting them under light right now.


Active Member
Yea, I'm sure they'll rock hard. You're on your way to an exciting adventure in the wonderful land of weed growing. I'm on day 37 with my plants using CFLs and all is well.