Question about prepetual harvests, timing stuff. Using Cap ebb n flow. 5gal buckets


Active Member
So here is my Scenario.
I have Fruity Chronic Juice from Attitude seeds growing. People on the interwebs say they go about 9 10 weeks. And I topped and cut clones from them a week before they went to flower.

Its starting week 7 of flower this week. And the clones were in the cloner for two weeks and have been vegging for about 6, give or take a couple days.

My question or thought is, if the flowering ladies do take ten weeks, then the vegging plants will be vegging for 9 weeks! they will be huge. then thy will flower and be massive. I mean ya great for big plants and all but i just dont want them to take up TOO MUCH space where it ends up just hurting the harvest rather than helping.

How do you guys that do it this way do it? do i NEED to have a mother or two? My plan was to use the tops off of my vegging plants, and cut a few clones elswhere in them and just use those for the clones. So i dont have to have a totally separate room for a mother. And I can wait til im flowering to take clones. I dunno, right now im kinda :wall: thinking about it.
Oh ya, its 9 bucket system. in an about 9x7 room. about 10 11' high.



Well-Known Member
When running a perpetual system a schedule is a big thing. for your system consider starting with 3 plants then 3 weeks later add 3 more then again 3 weeks later. Now every three weeks u will harvest 3 plants and start three plants. This keeps veg times in order and spreads out the work load.


Active Member
When running a perpetual system a schedule is a big thing. for your system consider starting with 3 plants then 3 weeks later add 3 more then again 3 weeks later. Now every three weeks u will harvest 3 plants and start three plants. This keeps veg times in order and spreads out the work load.
But then dont i need 3 separate flower systems? 3 Res' 3 controllers, ect.. ?


Well-Known Member
You dont have to. i run different nute formulas for different stages in flower but many run same formula from start to finish.


Well-Known Member
I would love to get that working but is it possible to clone from clone indefinitely or will you lose the strain? Sorry to highjack!


Well-Known Member
I would love to get that working but is it possible to clone from clone indefinitely or will you lose the strain? Sorry to highjack!
Of course you can. How do you think growers keep strains going for years. The 1000th clone will be the same exact plant as the original, genetics do not change. I have up to 14 different strains at all times with no mothers and some i have had for years.


Well-Known Member
I always thought that it would deteriorate over time due to mutation. I have when growing outdoors in the past kept mothers for years at a time but never cloned a clone over and over. I will give it a go 😊. Also how do you deal with the height difference of the flowering plants re: light?


You can definitely clone from clones as much as you want - though over time it may take longer for the clones of the clones of the clones to root as it's further away from the main hormone source of the mom. From seed is stronger because it's got all of the hormones.

You can bend or top to deal with the height issue but it's hard to clone from a plant thats fully into flower mode - it takes a while for them to revert back into vegetative growth. So it's best to get all the topping down before flower if the cuts are for clone purposes. I recommend bending since it's less stress on the plant and rather than taking away hormones in a cut, evenly distributes all of them.

I've noticed that whenever I've thrown top cuts into flower compared to clones from the same mom, they always produce bigger buds and are bigger/healthier in general. Which makes sense because all the hormones congregate in the tops and is why when you top them, hormones are dispersed evenly through the mom.

Good luck! I stick to indicas for my height issues these days.


Well-Known Member
Its the same plant, period. Ones that took 7 days to root years ago still take 7 days to root. The plant does not weaken, what happens is somebody grows the same plant for a long time and his body builds a tolerance to it making it seem to be weaker.