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I was recently put on probation for possession. My first visit I told them that I smoked within 2 weeks of the meeting and they let me sign paperwork for voluntarily admitting I smoked. Now my second meeting with the PO came and I haven't taken a hit since my first meeting(2 weeks ago). I go and see my PO and everything is good and testing doesn't even come up, I schedule my next appt and leave, no test taken. I then smoke that day only to find out later, from a friend, that they can call me and schedule a test and I'm kind of worried. I am going on a trip for a month, in about 3 weeks, that they know about(only reason I smoked) and was wondering if they'd test me in the next day or if they're just waiting til I get back, so I won't have a trace of THC in me. During the meeting there was no mention of testing and they said that the next time I'd see the PO is the next appt date. Am I just going crazy, or should I be worried? Thanks in advance.