question about seedlings


Active Member
Hey guys so I have four babies up and running but I have been having a problem starting up my next batch. I have gone through a couple seedlings which just seem to not be able to take the heat over here in the south. I get them to germinate and i put the out but the sun is just cooking them alive and they lose their first little leaves quickly and just turn into a stem. right know i have one which look like just a stem sticking out and I already lost the other one.
can anyone give me some advice as to what to do with my next seedlings i germinate so that I dont lose them? I would start them inside but they arent going to sprout indoors correct unless they are under proper lighting?


Well-Known Member
are you sure something isn't eating them, because full sun regardless where you live isn't going to hurt them if they sprouted outdoors.


Well-Known Member
Starting seedlings outside is a losing battle.... start them inside..keep on a window sill or CFL's till a bit bigger... I grow peppers and you have to start them inside too or they get cooked or eaten...


Starting seedlings outside is a losing battle....
Being a new grower myself, I've lost over half my plants that sprouted outside

I think its all due to wild life in my case though. I came out one day and noticed SNAIL on the stem of one of my plants, and the leaves were on the ground next to it :neutral:


Active Member
yea im gona go with the wildlife too b/c i have noticed my pots getting dug into sometimes in my yard at night so i can imagine what it would to to a 1 inch seedling... well I am gonna start my next batch which is just 1 WW seed and the rest purple power so could i just leave them outdoors for 8-10 hours for the first week and them bring them indoors for night until they become healthy? or would having them indoors 24/7 for the first week be insufficient lighting?


Active Member
yea thats where the problem is dam dam dam hmmm I think I am gonna wait till sat and start germinating that next batch and I will try and bring half indoors during the night but the rest I am actually going to take to the woods leave them germinating in a nice semi shaded area but its well contained from any animals its chickenwired and fishwired out so i know that one spot hasnt been getting disturbed like the others