Question about Slater Center


From what I have read the Slater Center is absolutely terrible. Does anyone have anything good to say about it? I really would like some information due to the fact that I am going to be making them my second caregiver as I only have one natural caregiver.
From a standpoint of someone GIVING meds to the CC its had bad things said. I think as a patient with no connections they have small amounts of tested meds for normal to high pricing.

Ive read the portsmith one has better pricing and more choices but never been there.
Never been there but I'm going to check them out... They've got some Diesel hash and flower I'm interested in. And BLZ... and some dope seed selections (mostly haze crosses). I mean, it probably is expensive yea, and they don't have great quantity available BUT they are the only state-legal player in RI and weren't there supposed to be like 5 of them?? Slater Center is my Patrick Beverly (houston Rockets); he's a new face, with amazing potential, but right now I really want to trade him, but nobody will take him; so I will, and I'll grin and bear it until I have a better option. For $25 I'm down. Note: It's very rare that I'm without my own homegrown; so it's a win-win.
Its free for me because I'm submitting my application for the first time. So will it be worth it ?

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It's very pricey but if you have the cash and don't want to take the time to sift through caregivers than its one of only 2 options right now. They are my only caregiver so I've only dealt with them and can't comment on the center in Portsmouth... I've been unemployed since last year so I have been cash strapped which unfortunately prevented me from really pursuing a private caregiver or even utilizing the center for meds as much as I would like. I have noticed that the slater center has become WAY more crowded lately and it's run like a deli having u take a number ticket and waiting for long periods just to make a purchase now. I used to be in and out in 5 min but last time it took 30 minutes on a week day at noon! Their selection is very limited sometimes and you can't depend on the web site to tell you what's in stock. I'm in tiverton and will be looking into greenleaf and dropping slater in the near future as I don't like the crowds and high prices. Once and a while I did find a strain that I like a lot but unfortunately they don't keep most strains in stock for long.
@ Ricky6991: I haven't had the opportunity to try BLZ; but I enjoy G13 and Trainwreck (BLZ = G13 x Trainwreck x Silver Haze). And Seedism ceeds has treated me well so far. Looking forward to it!
Slater is good for people with no caregivers.they are top dollar and when high CBD strains come along they price gouge.nobody should have to pay 65 for a 1/8th..edibles are a joke IMO.very low dose.again you shouldn't have to spend 30$ on 1 cookie to be somewhat medicated.i also question knowyourgrow test results for much so I'm getting ready to buy a gram just to have it tested again under a different strain name to see if its legit.but they do have a lot to offer like rotating strains,sometimes extracts,can get a free massage or hydrotherapy once a month among other things.slater s not for everybody it just depends on your needs.
I opted to put portsmouth as my caregiver just to see what's what.

no idea about Slater but Greenleaf is a joke. Granted I only went there a few times over the summer when they first opened but the flowers/prices/service was all atrocious.

Stay far away
Slater is good for people with no caregivers.they are top dollar and when high CBD strains come along they price gouge.nobody should have to pay 65 for a 1/8th..edibles are a joke IMO.very low dose.again you shouldn't have to spend 30$ on 1 cookie to be somewhat medicated.i also question knowyourgrow test results for much so I'm getting ready to buy a gram just to have it tested again under a different strain name to see if its legit.but they do have a lot to offer like rotating strains,sometimes extracts,can get a free massage or hydrotherapy once a month among other things.slater s not for everybody it just depends on your needs.

You hit all my points on this post.Lots of 20+-23%% strains..And thats the meds they are getting from other growers..Is there really that many 20+% strains never mind growers that can hit those numbers...And Why pay 17per gram for the 15% stuff but the 23% stuff is the same cost..Similar strains..Just different %.420803_429997677047570_395828581_n.jpg<<<<<<At Center Costs how much would these cookies be worth?lol..And 1 actually does what its expected to do.
I noticed that also about slater... I question the THC% as they have the same strain from the same batch put in per rolls with different percentages. I personally would love to be growing my own but my wife doesn't want me to so that's that for now. The economy has also made me have to stop medicating which sucks! Have to be able to pass a drug screen if an employer requires ( which most want now) I've never had a problem getting a job before until I was laid off last year by my employer of 8 years. I can't even get an interview now... With a clean BCI! Economy supposedly is getting better here? I don't see it
Ya I can almost guarantee that the testing done by know your grow for slater is completely inaccurate. They do multiple tests per strain and at different times, taking the highest recorded number and posting that. Complete advertising for bogus results that mean nothing. It's one big scam. Have you noticed that on some strains the thc content goes up after a few days? Haha they try so hard, whenever they get a higher number they replace the old one. People don't realize that there is a huge swing from top to bottom, Especially lower underdeveloped buds. You can cheat by drying the shit out of your product then testing that, crispy dry will get you higher numbers but at the cost of a proper cure.
A good test is an average size joint. 25 percent should have you flyin 1/2 way through you have to put it out. You should not be able to finish a joint even if you smoke 10 times a day everyday. You can literally feel yourself getting higher with every hit.