Question About Smoking Males


Hope this is the right section.

So I read somewhere on here that seeds could grow in your lungs and you could get an infection if you inhaled pollen from the male then smoked a female, could this really happen?

The parts that make pollen are the most potent part of the could you smoke it out of a water bong and be ok?


Well-Known Member
Hope this is the right section.

So I read somewhere on here that seeds could grow in your lungs and you could get an infection if you inhaled pollen from the male then smoked a female, could this really happen?

The parts that make pollen are the most potent part of the could you smoke it out of a water bong and be ok?
No, seeds will not grow in your lungs. And no, pollen is not going to affect you.

The pollen and every other part of the male plant does not contain THC. Meaning smoking males will not get you high.

Damn internet legends....


Well-Known Member
i have to disagree with you on one thing there. i saw a story on the news about a guy that inhaled a seed, it sprouted in his lung. it was a few inches long when they removed it.

inhaling pollen then smoking bud will never make a seed...that doesnt even make have to pollenate a living female in order for the story to work you would have to have a living, budding female in your lung and then inhale pollen...not possible.


Well-Known Member
lol really? ive never smoked a male. but i have seen lots of pictures of males with resin so yeah...i can see a male getting someone high.


Well-Known Member
they actually have more thc in the leaves than females.
anything to back that up? i find that pretty hard to believe.

edit: after i read that, it sounds kinda dickish lol. not trying to sound like an asshole just wondering.

newb weed grower

Active Member
i thin its possible because a weed plant needs co2 to grow and ur lungs produce that
therefor i say it may be possibble but just i dought it will happen unless u like purposely inhale a full germinated seed in that case send me pics of ur weed growing mouth lolz
nah all bs aside it wont happen


Well-Known Member
yeah they need c02 but they also need sunlight so for a plant to grow, not possible. but a seed can sprout in your lung, proven fact.

The Waiter

Active Member
Hope this is the right section.

So I read somewhere on here that seeds could grow in your lungs and you could get an infection if you inhaled pollen from the male then smoked a female, could this really happen?

The parts that make pollen are the most potent part of the could you smoke it out of a water bong and be ok?
You got trolled son