Question about smoking reaction

Hey Roll it up, I went to my buddies house and we were smoking a couple of bowls, everything seemed pretty cool. I then lit up a cigarette and this cold feeling hit my body from my nose to my chest, it was uncomfortable to say the least.
I've been smoking everyday for quite awhile, and it was high grade bud.
Has this happened to anyone?


Well-Known Member
Hey Roll it up, I went to my buddies house and we were smoking a couple of bowls, everything seemed pretty cool. I then lit up a cigarette and this cold feeling hit my body from my nose to my chest, it was uncomfortable to say the least.
I've been smoking everyday for quite awhile, and it was high grade bud.
Has this happened to anyone?
was it a menthol cigarette? this my produce the effect.. look in to the cigarette you smoke, and after that, try quitting smoking! :) :)


Well-Known Member
Man I can remember buying my first pack on Newports when I quit smoking weed, that shit was cold to me like taking a hit off an ice cube but then it subsided and I got used to it. The firt weekend I wasn't smoking weed I could hit 3-4 cigs in one sitting, walk away with one hell of a nicotine buzz and then down half a bottle of belvedere. Weed does me a lot better.

But it being a menthol is the only reason I can think of, plus you might have been more high than your used to.
I only smoke about 4 cigarettes a day, or less.
I don't think it had anything to do with it, it could have just been the bud.
Just asking if anyone had a similar effect, but thanks for criticism.