Question about smoking trim


Well-Known Member
I got like a half ounce of this trim I made yesterday that I quick dried in two big enveloped on top of my 1000 watt ballast and man.

I smoked a couple joints and I think I hurt my throat.

Edit: I mean it feels alright now. Think I'll roll another one.


Well-Known Member
I can get nice and toasty smoking a gram of this dried trim. I was going to make cannabutter but no one else in my house likes to eat weed as much as I do. That's okay.


Well-Known Member
Any one else grow a plant and trim the buds and dry the trim and smoke it? It's supposed to be harsher... right? That was my original question.


Well-Known Member
i use the trim to make kief. which is a little different than smoking buds. and mb better??? idk. but it seperates the triches from the leaf matter and when you smoke it, it makes you way higher. IMHO:)


Well-Known Member
trim usually tastes worse than nugs. i think the process of drying works the same with nugs as with trim. the slower, the better. obviously not so slow that it molds up.


Well-Known Member
Dunno if it's just me , but the taste is just as important to me as the Hit ,
Don't burn that stuff umbre , make some hashish and sell the shit,
Nuggets and nuggets only.

chicken nuggets accepted :)


Well-Known Member
its harsher, but can be worked with. If its really dry and broken up into fine shake, and smoked through a bong alittle at a time, its not to bad.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
I once smoked some shake when I was young and stupid. Okay many many times. It was harsh as hell and the taste resembled vomit. But ripped in a bong, my fuck did that shit ever get you ripped. I often wondered how it was that happened. Maybe inhaling shittons of smoke of any kind real quick like gets you stoned. Or kills enough brain cells that it feels like you are stoned.


Well-Known Member
If you slow dry trim, similar to curing buds it will be fine. I think the harshness comes in when people quick dry to smoke. Of course that will make it harsh. Otherwise bud trim is almost as potent as the buds, and can be smooth smoke if you cure


Well-Known Member
I figure 80% of the time trim is smoked, its because you don't want to touch your beautiful drying/curing buds but you really want to get high :p