Question about soil mix!


Active Member
I have 1 cu ft of MG organic choice garden soil, and 1 32qt bag of mg organic choice potting soil with 6 3 gal pots to fill. I still need more soil but not sure what to get more of? I know I'm going to need to add pearlite, but what else? more potting soil or garden soil or cut it with a diff brand? I know the garden soil is high in Nitrogen. I don't want to turd up my first grow what should I add to my soil?

And I've been looking around a lot to try to figure it out on my own but there so much crap you can add and it seems complicated and I don't want to mess up the soil so I posted this. Please don't yell at me I'm new


I would stay away from MG but thats me. Anyways i do agree with hillbilly's choice of a premium potting mix, its alright if you have some left over. Oh and make sure you know the ph of the soil, the MG soil usually runs a little more basic than regular soil so you might want to start off the seedlings with a little more water that is acidic.


Active Member
mg makes cannibis taste like crap. it is a time release, therefore, there is no leaching or flushing. it will always taste like chemical. my opinion stay away from it