question about ssri


Well-Known Member
its been about a week since I took any. How long should I wait to shroom? And good dose? I've done upwards of 5 grams and only have a major body high. No universal thought or ego death... i want to have that tho. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Ssri dampen if not completely stop it. Shrooms spikes your serotonin levels. Ssri's are serotonin inhibitors. If your not careful with ssri' and shrooms you can get serotonin syndrome. Deadly.

Thats why I ask haha. I want to take about 10 grams of aborts but don't know how long I should wait

A while back I took 1 gram on night one, 2 grams on night 4 and 3 grams on night 7. I had no effect, possibly because of ssri.


it's honestly up to the individual persons body chemistry...some people who aren't on ssris also have problems tripping...hard heads..I tripped better on my 40mg prozac than when i was off....the trip was wayyy more euphoric and positive while on the ssri...but i'm not condoning it. I say it's 50/50 ...50% of people trip on ssris while the others cant or need a way higher dose. As far as serotonin syndrome is concerned...pretty sure that's a ongoing myth in terms of mushrooms...don't mix ssris with MDMA or maoi, etc as that can cause a deadly serotonin syndrome....I remember asking my psychiatrist if it was alright to mix the two and she said yes as long as i'm in a safe setting..but seriously don't take my advice as fact as you never know...just be safe and do your research/harm reduction

and ssris aren't serotonin inhibitors....they block the reuptake of serotonin so more serotonin is hanging out in the synapse and not getting 'recycled.' ..this in turn desensitizes your serotonin receptors and downregulates so you have less receptors (like a weed tolerance) so pretty much the psilocybin is in competition with the extra serotonin (which has a higher affinity) in the synapse which causes a 'tolerance'
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TBH I have noticed that with shrooms you don't need as much of a break as you do with acid. There was a time when I did shrooms daily for several months and it was always good without the need for increasing doses. With LSD you need at least a week but preferably 2 weeks to get your trip back.
it's honestly up to the individual persons body chemistry...some people who aren't on ssris also have problems tripping...hard heads..I tripped better on my 40mg prozac than when i was off....the trip was wayyy more euphoric and positive while on the ssri...but i'm not condoning it. I say it's 50/50 ...50% of people trip on ssris while the others cant or need a way higher dose. As far as serotonin syndrome is concerned...pretty sure that's a ongoing myth in terms of mushrooms...don't mix ssris with MDMA or maoi, etc as that can cause a deadly serotonin syndrome....I remember asking my psychiatrist if it was alright to mix the two and she said yes as long as i'm in a safe setting..but seriously don't take my advice as fact as you never know...just be safe and do your research/harm reduction

and ssris aren't serotonin inhibitors....they block the reuptake of serotonin so more serotonin is hanging out in the synapse and not getting 'recycled.' ..this in turn desensitizes your serotonin receptors and downregulates so you have less receptors (like a weed tolerance) so pretty much the psilocybin is in competition with the extra serotonin (which has a higher affinity) in the synapse which causes a 'tolerance'
Thanks for your reply! That helps a lot! My buddy will do the same amount as me and isn't on anything and gets the same high. My mom and step-dad tripped good off of 1 gram. So idk what is going on haha. Thanks for the help with the serotonin syndrome!

I should try some more today then haha. My Dr has me on 2 different anti depressants. Ill have to look into the other one to see what it is.

but seriously don't take my advice as fact as you never know...just be safe and do your research/harm reduction

I take everything with a grain of salt. I'm constantly doing research and am always trying to keep safe. I would like to have a breakthru out at my moms, in the middle of nowhere under the trees haha. Enjoying life.
Thanks for your reply! That helps a lot! My buddy will do the same amount as me and isn't on anything and gets the same high. My mom and step-dad tripped good off of 1 gram. So idk what is going on haha. Thanks for the help with the serotonin syndrome!

I should try some more today then haha. My Dr has me on 2 different anti depressants. Ill have to look into the other one to see what it is.

but seriously don't take my advice as fact as you never know...just be safe and do your research/harm reduction

I take everything with a grain of salt. I'm constantly doing research and am always trying to keep safe. I would like to have a breakthru out at my moms, in the middle of nowhere under the trees haha. Enjoying life.

No problem man, glad to help! See, that just proves that everyone's different when it comes to brain chemistry!

Yeah, i'm only on one at a lower dose so IDK about two ssris in regards to serotonin syndrome so I would deff look into that, even talk to your doctor about it, they should be very open with you. For peace of mind

and yeah man i'm the same way when it comes to interactions/serotonin syndrome...better to be safe than sorry. That's good that you're responsible and hesistant. Just keep researching. Even join the shroomery for more info. I'm not trying to say go ahead do it it's safe!...just looking out/informing people the same way people informed me on the subject.

Hell yeah man! Best thing in the world o_O Enjoy!!! and safe i'm getting the urge to trip lol